
[数学] 关于EMCC数学竞赛


[ 本帖最后由 GerryBB 于 2010-11-13 20:55 编辑 ].


The Exeter Math Club Competition (EMC2) is a middle-school math competition held at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire. The 2nd annual EMC2 is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, January 29, 2011.

This is an excellent opportunity for young aspiring mathematicians to develop their mathematical talents, get tournament experience, bond with their friends, and connect with other students from different schools. The tournament is being run mostly by Exeter Math Club students, but with some help from our teachers. Most of us have participated in math contests in middle school and all of us participate in high school contests, and we've tried to incorporate some of our favorite parts of those competitions into EMC2.

The 2010 tournament consisted of two individual rounds, a team round, and a "guts" round. The guts round is a fun and exciting addition to simple tests. It is a fast-paced, hour-long team round where 24 problems are given in sets of four, one set at a time for the team to solve together. Your team can spend as much time as you it wants on each set. Grading is in real time and as soon as you turn in one set, you receive the next immediately. We'll be looking to modify and improve the test format this coming year but these events will probably form the core of the competition.

Teams should consist of 4 students in the 8th grade or below, with one coach or other chaperone per team. Teams representing a single school should not have students from outside that school. Each school may now submit as many teams as they wish. Individual students or aggregate teams can also enter, and we'll sort them into teams of four ourselves. The cost for a full team is $60, and $17 for individual entries.

Last year, we only opened the tournament only to local teams. However, this year, we're looking to open competition to any teams willing to travel. Teams would be able to leave for home Saturday afternoon by 3:30 (this year we finished by 3:05, ahead of schedule), and we will work to provide transportation to the airport if needed.

[ 本帖最后由 GerryBB 于 2010-11-13 20:44 编辑 ].


回复 5#Lukiemama 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 GerryBB 于 2010-11-13 22:00 编辑 ].


回复 7#小美女妈 的帖子


