
[外语] 毛毛虫在城里


孩子们读了一年书, 开始写书了。以下作品均为 一二年级小朋友替父母做作业的结果。

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-21 18:48 编辑 ].


On Monday, he goes to the bakery.

-By Mike

On Monday,  a bear wants a cupcake for breakfast. So he goes to the town.

He walks and walks. He sees a bakery.

The bear goes in and says,"I want a cupcake please."

"OK!" the baker said.

"How much is it?"

"Ten yuan."

"Here you are."

"Thank you. Good-bye."

The bear walks away.
-----注: 妈妈打击了一下,“别老来 Thank you. Good-bye 一类的俗套。 来点新鲜的。”
"Wait! I give you a gift."... ...

The bear heard, he turned around and run back.
"Who is talking me?"
The bakery man said :"It's me."
"What's up?" Said bear.
"I will give you a surprise."
"OK!" said bear, "What is it?"
"You guess?"
"I don't know!"
"It's too easy."
"Is it a little toy mouse?"
"No, it isn't."
"Is it a cake?"
"No, it isn't.  It's an ice-cream."
"WOW! It's good, thank you, bye!"
"You're welcome, see you next time."

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-16 23:04 编辑 ].


On Tuesday, he goes for a swim.

--By Dennis

A bear is going for a swim today. He is very happy. He takes a swimsuit, swim cap, and goggles. In the swimming pool, he meets his friends. They are playing together.

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-16 16:31 编辑 ].


On Wednesday, he watches a film.

--By Tony X

今天是星期三。 当比尔熊起床时, 发现窗外正在下雨。他想:“ 这样一个雨天, 我去干什么呢? 去公园玩可不行; 去游乐场也不合适。 那我就去看电影吧! 正巧今天买票还半价呢!于是, 比尔熊撑着伞出门了。 来到电影院门口一看, 人还在真不少, 大家都在排队买票。 他选了《喜羊羊与灰太狼》 这部电影, 高高兴兴的走进了电影院。。。。。这真是一部非常不错的电影!当比尔熊走出电影院时,还在回想着影片中有趣的画面。他想:今天真是愉快的一天!

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-17 10:58 编辑 ].


On Thursday, he visits the gym.

--By Tony Y

He is very hot. He takes a shower. He eats ice cream. He is very happy.

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-16 16:33 编辑 ].


On Friday, he goes to the toyshop.

-- By TonyZ
-- Edited by Lingjie
In the morning, bear goes to the toyshop on foot. Bear needs to buy a toy .  There are two teddy bears on the left, one four-color puzzle on right.
The puzzle has green, blue ,orange and purple pieces. One brown teddy bear wears a green jacket with black buttons and patch pocket. The black bear wears a pink bow tie. The bear picks the black teddy bear.

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-16 16:35 编辑 ].


On Saturday, he goes to the park.

-- By Simba

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-25 10:46 编辑 ].


OnSunday, he goes to the playground.

-- By David

With a bucket, bear goes to the playground. He is carrying a bucket to the sandbox. He sees  a merry-go-round, a sandbox, a sand castle a slide, some swings. What do you do on Sunday?.


回复 10#晴晴的妈 的帖子


至于暑假班好还是一周一次好,这个是看父母什么时候有时间跟进,因为无论参加什么样的学习班,既然是父母的选择, 父母参与其中也顺利成章。

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-18 10:31 编辑 ].




[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2009-5-20 08:46 编辑 ].



