
Do you think we should cancell toll collection in A12----Hujia Express way

original poster, should it be "HuJia express way" in your thread topic, the PinYin is wrong, isn't it?.


I am pretending to be a amature sleuth,orignial poster must be a commuter of HuJia express way.
that is to say either you work in JiaDing district or you live there, I could prefer to say that you work in JiaDing district.
am I right?
if yes, I will tell you how could I know this..


ATA girl

[ 本帖最后由 nice妈妈 于 2009-3-18 15:30 编辑 ].


回复 13#冰城来客 的帖子

well, the assumption is quite simple
#1, how much is the toll fee? 20RMB per each pass. it is not a big amount right? unless for those commuter, since their pass is a kind of recurrent issue.
#2, you are quite actively joining in English study, which means you got some where that need English very often, if I surmise you work in a foreign investment company, then JiaDing district is somehow the likely place that you are working in.
now that you said you work in PuDong, although PuDong possess the mojority of foreign investment company, but #1 duduction can not stand along..


回复 14#冰城来客 的帖子

you got me,
You are quite a Hundred Thousand Whys.
you might hear U.S people appraise little children and say :"ata boy" or "atta boy", which simplely means "good boy"
then, if you are facing a girl, I guess you are a girl, hopefully I am not wrong again ,
then I have to say ata girl

[ 本帖最后由 nice妈妈 于 2009-3-18 16:02 编辑 ].


回复 17#冰城来客 的帖子

my pleasure if I can be of some help. it is our purpose in this forum to share opinions, thoughts and learns, right?.

