发表于 2009-1-14 15:47
Psalm 46
January - 14
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
The book America Out of the Ashes, written after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, asks the question, "Where was God?" Millions of people asked the same question after the tsunami disaster that devastated parts of southern Asia on December 26, 2004. Where is God when nations are torn apart by civil war, when disaster seems to strike at random, when children die of AIDS or hunger or poverty every single day?
Psalm 46 gives the answer. God is right where he says he is: "ever-present" with us. Sure, "nations are in up¬roar," the earth gives way, "waters roar and foam," and "mountains quake" even today. But in spite of all that happens, "the LORD Almighty is with us."
God never intended for his creation to be ravaged by disaster. We don’t know why he allows it. But one thing we know: God is in control. The writer William Faulk¬ner had it wrong when, in his Requiem for a Nun, he said that after creating everything, God lost control.
In response to the question about where God was on 9/11, or when a tsunami or earthquake strikes, or when war breaks out and brings so much suffering, we can answer with Psalm 46: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble"!
Pray for eyes of faith to see God’s presence even in times of disaster.
Lord, sometimes it’s hard for us to see you. Help us to sense your presence and see how you care for us even when things seem to be falling apart. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
诗篇 46
January - 14
「神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时的帮助。」 诗46:1
一部于二零零一年九月十一日美国受到恐怖袭击之后写成的书America Out of the Ashes(意译:《走出灰烬的美国》),提出了一个问题:「神在哪里?」二零零四年十二月二十六日,当海啸导致部分南亚地区生灵涂炭后,亦有数以百万人提出同样问题。当内战造成国家分裂;天灾横祸骤然发生;每天有无数小孩子死于爱滋病、饥荒或贫穷时,神在哪里?
神绝对无意叫祂所造之物遭受灾祸蹂躏,我们不知道祂为何容许这些事情发生,但有一样事情是我们知道的:神在掌管!William Faulkner在其著作《修女安魂曲》中说,神创造万物后便失却控制,这个说法是大错特错的。