
What sort of snack do you/your kids like?

What sort of snack do you/your kids like?

Since I am on diet I haven't had my lunch today. But I find myself starving now. I crave rich steaming stews and soup and all kinds of delicious warming dishes. As I bought a membership card in Golden Jaguar buffet last week, I am desperately to go now.  Anyway, I'm trying to persuade myself to have some snack instead. Well, I need something solid and satisfying. Seaweed couldn't do. Fruits are not rich enough. I found diet gives one an enormous appetite later.
What sort of snack do you like?.


that's why women struggle for whole life to fight with their desire on foods....


回复 1#Emerald 的帖子

Nuts is my favorite..


回复 2#混凝土 的帖子

It's a pain. I tried a lot of times but always quit at last..


回复 3#香格里拉的春天 的帖子

We've told nuts are healthy as long as you don't eat too much at a time. What kind of nuts you like? Peanuts, walnuts? Nuts are from forest. They are natural food. But some people allergy to it..


回复 5#Emerald 的帖子

I don't like peanuts,but my honey likes it very much.

Hazel is my favorite, but i like hikery & pine nut as well..


回复 6#香格里拉的春天 的帖子

The tastes follow a thing called gene..


回复 8#cocoyangyang 的帖子

I can't refuse Starbucks coffee..


原帖由 Emerald 于 2009-3-13 20:13 发表 \"\"
We've told nuts are healthy as long as you don't eat too much at a time. What kind of nuts you like? Peanuts, walnuts? Nuts are from forest. They are natural food. But some people allergy to it.
Almond is best, but don't eat it too much a day..


回复 11#cocoyangyang 的帖子

Work hard then you'll have money to afford it every single day. I mean it is a bit pricey but i am still up for it as long as i have one penny left in my pocket. .

