
[育儿] 小儿郎 加国-中国 读书札记 

回复 906#kathyzhang0703 的帖子

呵呵呵, 这个论坛不大会哦。 好像端着的时候比较多。
聊成这样不容易。 大家都不装。表现出真实的面貌, 活泼泼地可爱。.


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今天中午又路过儿子学校, 很意外地看到孩子们在操场上玩。 阳光下很是开心的样子。

回来问孩子, 他说是他们学校的新规定: 周一中午是一年级, 周二是二年级, 今天周三正好轮到他们三年级。  
他很开心, 说起在秋风中玩和温哥华中午一样的追树叶的游戏。

看来, 他们学校还是很用心地。解决了中国学校孩子多的问题, 在努力想办法地。 还有老师组织大家分组做游戏, 听上去孩子们都很尽兴。.


原帖由 perfeiti 于 2010-12-8 15:52 发表 \"\"
比较粗放型的, 外向的,可以打.


回复 911#perfeiti 的帖子


以后尽量不打孩子, 尽量不要河东狮吼。.


回复 913#hairupluserica 的帖子

呵呵, 跟我一样。 我打得少, 河东狮吼的时候比较多。 每次吼完打完那个后悔内疚啊。 有一次内疚到半夜都没睡着。.


回复 836#DXMOM 的帖子

这是经济合作组织负责的一项国际中学生(15岁)能力测试,主要是数学,科学,阅读三方面  ,各国都很在意的一项测试,我们这儿的国家电视台作为头条新闻,因为德国的排名进步了




回复 915#金牛猴宝 的帖子



回复 917#hairupluserica 的帖子

呵呵, 可不是嘛。 还需要继续修炼啊。.


回复 911#perfeiti 的帖子





看到这篇文章很多次了, 这个图画版本的蛮好玩的, 就是图片太多, 下的慢勒~


孩子在我们身边的日子没多少年的, 好好珍惜啊。.


回复 856#DXMOM 的帖子





原帖由 DXMOM 于 2010-12-8 14:51 发表 \"\"

呵呵, 那我也就放心, 我火气上来打孩子也算是一种正常的行为吧。

国外法律是不允许打孩子的, 有时候会想: 打孩子是不是一种很暴力的不良的教育方法? 但有时候火气上来, 真是气不打一处来啊。 我承 ...






回复 924#sask 的帖子


我记得我小时候, 我父母很少打我的。 我妈妈是一个很耐心的人。 每次我做错了事情, 她都会和我讲道理, 最后让我自己意识到错误。
最后问:“你自己说自己做得对不对? 不对的话该如何处罚?” 
妈妈就根据我自己的要求打几下。 打我其实也是轻轻的。


回复 924#sask 的帖子

想想你说的大家庭互相舒缓, 真的是有道理的。

我们刚回来, 我父母看到我对孩子河东狮吼极其不满。 刚开始还引发了我和我父母之间的不快。
后来, 我和我父母也坐下来心平气和地聊了一聊, 大家达成一些共识。
目前我很能享受sask说的互相舒缓的气氛。 狮吼的频率也降低了一些。

我还要继续修炼, 修炼。。。.


原帖由 不二周助 于 2010-12-8 22:02 发表 \"\"
我们班级的同学, 毕业后都是去大酒店或大餐厅开始向厨师发展的职业生涯的, 我算是浪费了。.


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接下去, 大家一起说说小朋友阅读的感受吧。 Perfeiti同学问我有关中外阅读的不同, 好几天都没有回答他了。 见谅啊。

加拿大小学很注重阅读, 这.


接下去, 大家一起说说小朋友阅读的感受吧。 Perfeiti同学问我有关中外阅读的不同, 好几天都没有回答他了。 见谅啊。

加拿大小学很注重阅读, 这种阅读的气氛比中国浓很多。 

加拿大小学里面, 图书的资源是丰富的。
班级图书馆不是摆摆样子的那种, 是真的有很多孩子喜欢的书。有的老师让孩子自己随便挑随便看, 有的会组织各种班级阅读活动, 鼓励孩子多看书。
比如一年级的时候, 周一三五早上9-9:30是有声音的阅读, 鼓励父母一起进教室陪孩子一同阅读。周二四早上是slient reading, 就让孩子自己挑自己喜欢的书自己坐在地上看。
比如, 班级里面有阅读比赛, 所有的人从地球出发(那时候正好在学习太阳系的几大行星), 每读5本书就是可以跨越一个行星, 向太阳行进, 反正有一个规定路线, 好像从地球到太阳, 再从太阳到海王星, 然后回到地球。 看谁读书读得多, 可以最早回到地球。老师很用心地在墙上做了个太阳系的行星图, 每天把小朋友的名字插来插去。结果我儿子和另外一个小朋友并列第一, 那一天老师还举行仪式, 祝贺这两个小小宇航员回归地球。 反正儿子回来一脸的得意和兴奋, 很光荣的样子。

2, 学校有学校的图书馆和学校级的阅读活动
上次说了, 加拿大一个班级只有一个老师, 除了音乐课和图书馆课程。
小朋友每周有2-3次的图书馆课程, 会排队到学校图书馆去上课。 图书馆老师会给大家念书讲故事, 介绍图书等。 每个小朋友有一张图书卡, 可以借2-3本书, 并有明确的归还日期。 一般借回来的书都是孩子们喜爱的。

上次提到过的, 学校有阅读记录, 每个晚上读书20分钟以上, 父母签个字。 满25个读书夜晚, 可以有一张学校颁发的阅读证书, 并得到星巴克的免费饮料一杯。
记得我儿子上个学年, 有250多天的阅读证书。 

3, 其实我们借得最多的还是公关图书馆的书。
公关图书馆星罗棋布, 并互相联网, 能在任何一个图书馆借书, 在另一个图书馆还书。 图书馆之间还能资源调配, 比如我看中一本书可以要求他们调到离我家近的那个图书馆, 方便借阅。
图书馆小细节做得非常人性, 那是我们喜爱去的地方, 每周肯定要去一次的。
好像在那里, 去图书馆是天经地义的, 是日常生活的一部分, 我身边所有的人都是这样的。
儿子每次一借就是一大叠, 我喜欢借我的美食书籍, 老公喜欢借旅游的书。
那里美食的书真多啊, 满满两大排高高的书架, 世界各地各个菜系的都有。光一个土豆的做法, 就有满满两格书架。
每周我们都要抗重重的一厚叠书回去。 有时候一张图书卡还不够用(那里一张图书卡可以借20-30本书), 一般要带2张卡的。
图书馆里面分类很清晰, 儿童的, 青少年的, 老年(大字号), 等。 成年图书当然是最多的, 有小说(小说里面有各种分类), 以及各种A-Z分类检索的书籍,。。。
图书馆里面的阅读区域, 有很舒服的沙发, 有电脑, 桌子, 一般大玻璃窗外就是大片的绿草地, 远处还有雪山。。。

图书馆每到夏季, 都有政府举办的小朋友阅读活动。 任何年龄的小朋友(甚至小小孩), 都可以参加。 自己阅读或父母一起亲子阅读, 任何语言的书籍每天满20分钟, 就可以打个勾。 一个夏天满50个勾, 就可以在9月初在颁奖活动中得到市议员颁发的奖章。


图书馆的所有活动已经借阅, 全部是免费的, 连押金都不用付的。

在这样的环境中, 孩子怎能不爱读书啊?

[ 本帖最后由 DXMOM 于 2010-12-9 10:24 编辑 ].


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儿子的英语阅读, 也算是循序渐进, 不知不觉就从量变到质变了。

那里任何一个图书馆的书, 都有清晰的难易分级的。 班级里面老师有指导的, 同一个班级老师也会根据不同的学生作图书分级建议。

一进儿童图书区域, 就有印得花花绿绿的卡片, 指导不同级别的孩子适合的图书书单。
我儿子是从picture book开始的。 那里有一个桌子专门放图画书, 并有不同的分级。 Level 1就是每页主要是图片只有一句话。  level 2  就有2-3句话了, 孩子渐渐就深度往下走了。

我儿子的英语属于进步很快的, 三年就出了ESL, 在他学校和周围朋友之间都是属于比较优秀的。 我想这得益于他大量的英语阅读吧。.


在儿子的英语阅读中, 我没有怎么陪他读过。 

说来惭愧, 即使是他最最开始的最简单的level 1的图书中, 每一本书中, 我肯定会遇到生词。 汗!   我怕我这么糟糕的英语影响了他, 索性就让他自己游泳了。
我后来就在电脑上帮儿子装了Longman, 让他自己查词典。他如果遇到核心关键的生词一开始会停下来问我, 后来发觉我也回答不了, 就自己去查了。 如果遇到的不是核心的生词, 他会根据上下文去理解。
记得他们学校发过一张帮助阅读的指导, 有各种各样的办法提高阅读的, 其中联系上下文也是很重要的一个本领啊。 o(∩_∩)o...哈哈!!!我又在给自己找借口。

BTW, 建议家长如果可能不要用金山词霸, 用英英的Longman查生词对孩子学习英语帮助更大。很多词语的解释, Longman 会更贴切。.


虽然我没有陪儿子阅读, 但我也没闲着啊。 我一直觉得, 引导孩子是家长的职责, 而读书是孩子自己要做的事情。

在激发他读书的兴趣, 帮助他从量变到质变, 我是一直很用心的。
比如, 发觉他最近兴趣点, 在图书馆故意把他引到那个区域。 或在引发他往上跳一个难度的时候, 给他很多的鼓励, 并找到他喜欢的适合的图书。.


这种阅读的状态, 真好。上海要是也有这么浓的阅读氛围和图书馆条件, 就太好了。.


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回到中国, 发觉国内的课外书的阅读气氛和国外比要弱很多。 虽然在WW上, 各位MM还是很重视的, 但从总体来说, 学校和社会氛围并没有那么强调。

回来的一开始一个多月, 我儿子一直在忙着适应。 等他稍微有时间喘口气了, 我希望他把阅读的好习惯能保持下去。 建立一个习惯不容易, 毁坏一个习惯很快的。

儿子喜欢英语阅读, 这个倒还容易, 买一套他钟爱的扔给他就是了。
我愁的是他的中文阅读, 始终在想办法找合适的切入点。

过去一直是我陪他读的亲子阅读法, 这毕竟是引导步骤, 最终总是要快点让他自己阅读。
试了很多办法很多书籍, 终于算是找到了和他胃口的中文书。 再次感受到合适的才是最好的。.


原帖由 perfeiti 于 2010-12-9 12:43 发表 \"\"
哦?英英longman 电子的是购买的还是下载的?
是在加拿大的时候, 公关图书馆里面借一本词典, 里面附光盘的, 回家在电脑上安装一下。.


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上海现在各级图书馆还是蛮多的。 过去没有注意, 当刻意去找的时候发觉他们默默地存在着。 脸红一记, 只能说明自己过去不爱读书。

先去了新开的浦东图书馆, 好漂亮的场馆啊! 硬件没话说, 好气派! 温哥华即使是新建的公关图书馆也是相形见拙。 里面人也很多, o(∩_∩)o...只能怨自己过去不爱书, 其实爱书的人还是很多的啊!
里面也分少儿的, 成人的, 不错的。
只是一些细节不是很人性, 查询系统也不怎么样, 原版书只能当场阅读不能外借, 最主要离家比较远。 借了两次, 有点懒得跑那么远。

新开发了社区图书馆, 离家近 (我喜欢什么都近一点, 方便一点)。 虽然藏书不多, 但也够用就是了。 

过几天想去看看区级图书馆, 好似那里图书多一点。

只是每次都只能借3-4本, 太少了。 办了2张卡, 也不够用啊。

[ 本帖最后由 DXMOM 于 2010-12-9 16:40 编辑 ].


上次几个妈妈推荐的图书馆, 等我有空也去转转看看, 挖掘一下。.


对了, 我这里有今年夏天, 温哥华一个著名私校分年级的英语阅读书单, 每个年级有分不同大类的书目, 每个大类有很多推荐的书籍。 有人要吗?.


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原帖由 DXMOM 于 2010-12-9 15:23 发表 \"\"
试了很多办法很多书籍, 终于算是找到了和他胃口的中文书。 再次感受到合适的才是最好的。


1。Artemis Fowl系列(这个系列比较接近哈里波德,主角也是十多岁的少年),以及作者的其他作品。内容蛮沉重的。
2。Guardians of Ga'hoole系列(他说这个系列的故事比较短,看起来不过瘾,可是文字很风趣。)




回复 942#DXMOM 的帖子



回复 942#DXMOM 的帖子





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对不起,不支持上传此类扩展名的附件, yun.


这样贴是不是有点傻。 这是四年级的:

WPGA Summer Reading List 2010
Grade 4

At West Point Grey Academy, we believe that academic success depends on the skill of reading.  Our Summer Reading Programme is designed to expose our students to literature, to provide an opportunity for teachers to make an initial assessment of the students upon entry into a new grade, and most importantly to foster the love of learning.  Expectations: Students entering Grade 4 are required to read at least two books from the following list.  As there is a wide range of books included in this list, be careful to pick one that is appropriate for your reading level. Try to choose your books from more than one genre. During the first week of school in September, students will be expected to discuss what they have read with their peers and teacher.
Realistic Fiction – could be about YOU!
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing                                                                        Blume, Judy
Peter finds his demanding younger brother, Fudge, an ever-increasing problem.  Grown-ups think Fudge is adorable, but Peter and his pet turtle, Dribble, know the truth.  Fudge is a tiny terror in disguise, causing mischief everywhere he goes.

The Several Lives of Orphan Jack                                                                        Ellis, Sarah
At age 12, Jack sets out from the Opportunities School for Orphans and Foundlings to make his way in a world full of possibility and peril.  With his head full of ideas and a talent for enterprise, Jack turns his survival into a business.

Lucy Willow                                                                                        Gardner, Sally
With a cast of characters including an evil head teacher, a famous footballer and Lucy’s green fingers which seem to have a mind of their own, this novel is a page turner! Will Lucy be able to use her magical green fingers to save the day?

Travels with My Family                                                                                Gay, Marie-Louise
Instead of taking dream vacations to Disneyland or motels with swimming pools, two boys, their parents, and their cat Miro look for out-of-the-way destinations where other tourists don't go.

Ida B                                                                                                Hannigan, Katherine
Ida B’s world is turned upside down when she has to transition from her happy homeschooled life into torturous school. Will she possibly be able to get her world right side up again?

Lucy Rose: Here’s the Thing About Me    or sequels                                                        Kelly, Katy
Lucy Rose is trying to adjust to all the changes in her life. Her parents have separated and she and her mother have moved all the way to Washington, DC. The third grader misses her dad, her old friends, and gets herself in mishaps as she is struggles to fit in.

Melonhead                                                                                        Kelly, Katy
Adam Melon, or Melonhead as Lucy Rose from the novels listed right above calls him, is an inventive, imaginative, outlandish kid. His imagination always seems to place him in the centre of the action, especially at the inventing fair!

Cup Crazy or others in the Slapshots series                                                                Korman, Gordon
Part of a series about a hockey team called The Mars Health Food Stars, this story begins when their best winger is banned from playing because … she’s a girl!

Ruby Lu, Brave and True        or sequels                                                                Look, Lenore
Full of zest, eight-year-old Ruby loves her family, wearing reflective tape, and performing in her own backyard magic show. Will she muster up the courage to attend Chinese school or confront mean Christina from California?  One fateful day she even decides to drive herself to school!

The Year of the Dog                                                                                Lin, Grace
During the Chinese Year of the Dog, Pacy tries to find ways to make friends, cope with disappointments, and become her best self.  She is figuring out how to be Chinese and American, as well as a Munchkin when her school puts on “The Wizard of Oz.”

Thumb on a Diamond        or sequels                                                                Roberts, Ken
The kids from New Auckland are dying to see something outside of their little village. Then, Thumb comes up with a plan to form a baseball team so the kids can go to the big tournament in Vancouver, but there are a few problems with their plan. There is no grass in New Auckland, no baseball diamond and no place large enough to put one. Also, none of the kids has ever played baseball before.

Little House in the Big Woods   or another title in the Little House series                                        Wilder, Laura Ingalls
This is an account of a year in the life of two young girls growing up on the Wisconsin frontier, as they help their mother with the daily chores, enjoy their father's stories and singing, and share special occasions when they get together with relatives or neighbors.
Fiction with Animal Characters
Harry the Poisonous Centipede’s BIG Adventure                                                        Banks, Lynne Reid
Harry’s best friend George disappears and he ventures out of his cozy nest-tunnel to locate him. The dangers that lurk everywhere in the world outside seem to be constantly after Harry – will he make it and find his friend?

Runt                                                                                                Bauer, Marion Dane
Runt is the smallest in his litter of wolves. He tries mightily to keep up with his siblings, but much of the time he tries too hard, doesn't think ahead, or makes mistakes. Each littermate seems to have a destined role, but for Runt the future is an unknown.

The World According to Humphrey        or sequels                                                        Birney, Betty G.
Humphrey, pet hamster at Longfellow School, learns that he has a very important role to play in helping his classmates and teacher.

Ribsy                                                                                                Cleary, Beverly
Separated from his owner, Henry Huggins, in a shopping center parking lot, an ordinary city dog begins a string of bewildering adventures.

A Dog for Life                                                                                        Matthews, L.S.
This is the unforgettable tale of John, Tom, and their dog Mouse. Mouse is not an ordinary dog – she can understand everything the boys say and they can understand her! When Tom becomes very ill and Mouse is sent away for fear of infection, John begins a journey to bring Mouse and Tom together again. Will Mouse be able to help Tom recover? Or will she end up at the pound?

Pond Scum                                                                                        Silberberg, Alan
Oliver used to pull the wings off flies for fun, but when enters the parallel world of Pond, all his thoughts about animals change. With his new friends Mooch, a salamander, and Antoine, a misfit crow, he must mobilize the animals to fight against the evil crows.

Dumb Creatures                                                                                        Willis, Jeanne
Tom cannot talk, but he has plenty to say, locked up inside him. Then he meets Zanzi the gorilla, who can use sign language, like him and his life changes.  But their ability to communicate in a special way ends up putting their lives in danger!

Humorous Fiction – to make you laugh out loud!

Very Serious Children                                                                                Adderson, Caroline
With names like Nickelodeon Ha Ha Grant and Split A Gut Grant, Nicky and Saggy were set up for adventure by their circus performer parents. These very serious children struggle for normal amidst unicycles, clowns and endless popcorn for supper.

Star Jumper : Journal of a Cardboard Genius                                                                Asch, Frank
Using cardboard, duct tape, old odds and ends and his amazing scientific imagination, self-proclaimed genius Alex builds Star Jumper, a spaceship that will deliver him from his rotten little brother forever!

Frindle        or another title by Clements                                                                Clements, Andrew
Nick makes up a word for “pen.”  He calls it “frindle” and soon the whole school is using it.  His teacher is NOT happy!

The Secret Life of Owen Skye                                                                        Cumyn, Alan
For Owen Skye, everyday life is full of danger and mystery.  The deadly Bog Man lurks, aliens send messages, and pesky girls practice being surgeons by trying to take out your liver with a butter knife.  Thank goodness for Andy and Leonard -it’s good to have brothers on your side.

The Transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle                                                                Elliot, David
Roscoe Wizzle was just a normal, burger-eating kid – probably just like you… but then he starts turning into a BUG! Hilarious.

Moxy Maxwell DOES NOT LOVE Stuart Little                                                                Gifford, Peggy
You think you’re having some trouble with the summer reading list? Well Moxy has been glued to Stuart Little all summer long, and simply CAN’T seem to get away. It’s the day before fourth grade starts – what will she do?

Toad Rage   or sequels                                                                                Gleiztman, Morris
Limpy, a young cane toad, is horrified at how many of his family members have tragically died, flat as a pancake, on the road. Desperate to save the rest of his family from the wheels of passing cars, Limpy decides he must do something to close the rift in human-toad relations, and he embarks on a risky campaign to show humans how nice cane toads can be.

Just Grace Goes Green or another in the Just Grace series                                                Harper, Charise Mericle
Grace goes on another hilarious adventure, and this time in involves going green! Miss Lois’s class is the setting for this face-paced tale that includes talking carpets, flaming onion rings and even a squirrel named Willoughby – whew!

Quigleys in a Spin                                                                                        Mason, Simon
This recounts the funny adventures and misadventures of the members of the Quigley family--Mum, Dad, Lucy, Will and their cat, Fatbrain.

The Willoughbys                                                                                        Lowry, Lois
Who would want to be an orphan? Well these four children, part of a very different family, concoct a plot to become orphans to save themselves. Woven throughout are references to all sorts of wonderful books!

Fantasy – let your mind wander out of this world!

Luke Lancelot and the Golden Shield   or another in the Luke Lancelot series                                Andreae, Giles
A fast-paced adventure full of danger! Luke loves everything to do with knights, but he certainly never expected that he would turn into one and confront danger with his brother and sister.

The Black Pearl        or another in the Mermaid Curse series                                                Cooper, Louise
Lizzy, our adopted heroine, with help from her new family, uncovers the amazing truth about her real family – under the sea.

How to Speak Dragonese or another in the Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III series                                Cowell, Cressida
This recounts the further escapades of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third as he continues his Viking training during which he escapes from a boatload of Roman soldiers and searches for his kidnapped dragon.

The BFG         or another whimsical story by Dahl                                                                Dahl, Roald
Kidsnatched from her orphanage by a BFG (Big Friendly Giant), who spends his life blowing happy dreams to children, Sophie concocts with him a plan to save the world from nine other man-gobbling cannybull giants.

Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost  or another in the Ghosthunters series                        Funke, Cornelia
This funny ghost story is about the Average Spooky Ghost hiding in Tom’s cellar, flying about and dripping slime.  But he in turn is being haunted by a much bigger, badder, and Incredibly Revolting Ghost!  Time to call in the world-famous ghost-hunter, Hetty Hyssop!

The Onts or another in The Secrets of the Dripping Fang series                                                Greenburg, Dan
Ten-year-old orphan twins Wally and Cheyenne Shluffmuffin have had it bad at Cincinnati's Jolly Days Orphanage, but things get much worse when the Mandible sisters offer to share their home in the Dripping Fang Forest.

Fergus Crane                                                                                               Stewart, Paul & Chris Riddell
Nine-year-old Fergus Crane’s life is filled with classes on the school ship Betty Jeanne, interesting neighbors, and helping with his mother’s work until a mysterious box flies into his window and leads him toward adventure.
Mystery – can you solve them?
What’s a Daring Detective like Me Doing in the Doghouse?                                                Bailey, Linda
Stevie Diamond and her friend Jessie try to catch an unusual criminal called “The Prankster” who is responsible for stealing the Prime Minister’s underwear, locking up a basketball player during an important game, and dognapping.

Fourth Grade Weirdo                                                                                Freeman, Martha
Dexter doesn’t fit in with the other kids in his class, who enjoy the zany antics of their teacher.  But when things start to go missing at school, Mr. Ditzwinkle is suspected, and Dexter is shocked.  He thinks his teacher is odd, but he knows he’s not a crook.

The Graveyard Hounds                                                                                Hughes, Vi
When the dogs in their town lose their barks, Mike and Annie set out to solve the mystery and uncover some scary secrets from the past. Cab they stop the deadly curse and save the dogs?

The Bodigulpa or another in the Shock Shop series                                                        Nimmo, Jenny
Daniel's not happy when Grandpa Green moves in. He's smelly and he's mean to everyone. When lovely Auntie Lorna and her dog come to babysit one day, they both disappear, leaving behind clues that point to grandpa's menacing bodigulpa plant.

Monday Morning Blitz or another in the Al’s World series                                                Leonard, Elise
Al’s an ordinary kid who gets by at school well enough, but things change one day when he’s waiting for the school bus.  Some guy in a suit knocks him down while saving his life from a speeding car.  Al ends up with an encrypted flash drive that isn’t his, which seems to attract a lot of unwanted attention from some scary dudes.
Non-Fiction and Social Studies Based – find out some amazing facts!
That’s Very Canadian!                                                                                Bowers, Vivien
Just what is it that makes Canadians so ... Canadian?  This is an engaging celebration of some of the more interesting facts about Canadian life, written from the viewpoint of a student doing a project on Canada’s symbols and cultural identity.  It answers questions such as: why are cereal boxes written in French and English? how did a beaver become the national icon? what is a "loonie"? and what's with "eh"?

Why do Dogs Have Wet Noses?                                                                        Coren, Stanley
Did you know that dogs can outrun an Olympic sprinter and "speak" three languages? Or that they can tell when storms are coming and even predict earthquakes before they happen? These are just a few of the doggone fascinating facts to discover in this ultimate companion book for young dog owners and admirers.

You Wouldn’t Want to be a Viking Explorer! Voyages You’d Rather Not Make                                Langley, Andrew
Get ready… as an adventurous young Viking, you are about to go in search of new lands and will embark on a difficult and dangerous voyage as a VIKING EXPLORER!!!  It’s DANGEROUS!!!

The Lamp, the Ice and the Boat Called Fish                                                                Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
This tells the dramatic story of the Canadian Arctic Expedition that sets off in 1913 to explore the high north.

The Kids Book of Canadian Exploration                                                Owens, Ann-Maureen
From Native peoples in search of new hunting grounds to European fishermen out for bigger catches, explorers were drawn to Canada for many reasons. They discovered a vast and mysterious land that took hundreds of years to explore and map.  Present-day explorers focus on outer space, the ocean and the preservation of Earth’s changing ecosystems.  This informative overview describes the people, places and discoveries that have shaped our country.

The Kids Book of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada                                                                Silvey, Diane
Canada's Aboriginal peoples have shaped this country in countless ways. Their story is central to the nation's identity -- indeed, the word "Canada" is derived from the Huron-Haudenosaunee word "kanata," which means "our village." This book is a balanced, in-depth look at the cultures, struggles and triumphs of Canada's first peoples.

Trapped in Ice                                                                                        Walters, Eric
Based on the real-life experiences of Captain Robert Bartlett and the 1913 Canadian Arctic Expedition, this is a superb survival story..


原帖由 perfeiti 于 2010-12-9 22:13 发表 \"\"
顺便问一下是否是这个字典?Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 2009 edition 5?
我的那个版本叫: Longman Adanced American Dicitionary, 我不是太清楚两个版本之间的区别。应该差不多吧。 好像网上在线也有Longman Dicitionary  可以在线查的。
用惯了Longman, 有时候不习惯金山词霸, 用一种语言表述另一种还是很有难度的吧,让我想起你说的椭圆和圆的关系。

我儿子经常会遇到把英文思想用中文表述,尤其遇到需要书面语言表述的时候,就会有这种困惑。 我们一起感慨:这需要对两种语言都有深度的理解和掌握,才能很好翻译。尤其是把意境表述,比直译跟见功力。.


前面几个妈妈,请告诉我你们需要及年级的reading list, 我贴上来。不好意思,文件贴补上来,我就像950楼那样直接贴。.


提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽


我要。 我家小子是小一的。.


原帖由 金牛猴宝 于 2010-12-10 10:24 发表 \"\"
我要。 我家小子是小一的。


原帖由 sask 于 2010-12-10 00:25 发表 \"\"



1。Artemis Fowl系列(这个系列比较接近哈里波德,主角也是十多岁的少年),以及作者的其他 ...
对于中文书单,我还在摸索中。 最近的感触还是:感兴趣的才是合适的。

WW上推荐的一些书,我也去借了; 我自己认为很好的也介绍给他,并读给他听,他一点感觉都没有, 无论我如何绘声绘色,(我自诩朗读很有天赋的啊,呵呵~ 当年大学广播台和话剧团的啊)
所以,书单只是参考,而且我儿子的语文和普通孩子不同,我也不知道该属于几年级的, 只能自己摸索。

我找到《喜洋洋和灰太郎》,他的大爱,是漫画式的,但里面对话简短而且没有拼音的,让他先看着,慢慢帮他克服心理障碍。 前天一口气看两本。等过一阵子帮他加难度。.


回复 952#DXMOM 的帖子



原帖由 perfeiti 于 2010-12-10 10:21 发表 \"\"
Perfeiti, 还有金牛,不好意思,这套list 是从四年级到十二年级的,汗!.


原帖由 不二周助 于 2010-12-10 10:30 发表 \"\"


WPGA Summer Reading List 2010
Grade 8

The Summer Reading Programme at West Point Grey Academy is designed to expose our students to literature, to provide an opportunity for teachers to make an initial assessment of the students upon entry into a new grade, and, most importantly, to foster a love of reading. Students entering Grade 8 at WPGA are required to read at least two books during the summer, one of which must be fiction.  Early in the first term of the new school year, students will be expected to report on their readings in the form of an in-class assignment and/or an oral report.  Please note that non-fiction titles are designated with NF.

Adam Canfield of the Slash                                                                        Winerip, Michael
Adam enjoys being a reporter for the school newspaper.  Becoming editor is more challenging, but his troubles really begin when he uncovers fraud and corruption at his school and in the city government itself.  Suspenseful, satirical and funny, this is the first novel of a New York Times columnist.

Bifocal                                                                                        Ellis, Deborah & Walters, Eric
One day the high school is put on lockdown, and the police arrest a Muslim student on suspicion of terrorist affiliations. In an interesting narrative told from the point of view of two boys, authors Deborah Ellis and Eric Walters, present a school torn by racism.  

Bleachers                                                                                        Grisham, John
John Grisham departs from his usual legal thrillers to tell the story of a high school football coach’s passing, the players who gather to remember him, and their own old glories on the field.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas : a fable                                                        Boyne, John
Bruno comes home one day and finds the maid packing his belongings. His family moves to a new home where there is a fence and people in striped pajamas who live beyond the fence. This intense and moving story about the Holocaust is told from the viewpoint of a naive, 9 year-old German boy. The words are easy to read, but what happens is not. Ultimately, the story is really about fences, and what can be done to bring them down.

Chew on this : everything you don’t want to know about fast food         NF                                Schlosser, Eric & Charles Wilson
Schlosser and Wilson share with kids the fascinating and sometimes frightening truth about what lurks between those sesame seed buns, what a chicken "nugget" really is, and how the fast food industry has been feeding off children for generations.

Feed                                                                                        Anderson, M.T.
This is a satirical look at a future where a computer “feed” is patched into people’s brains when they are babies, resulting in a consumerist society where shopping and fashion dominate the social consciousness. The story focuses on a boy who befriends an “un-fed” girl, leading him to question the foundation of his value system. (Coarse language)

The Greatest : Muhammad Ali        NF                                                        Myers, Walter Dean
This biography of the champion boxer Muhammad Ali is more of a tribute to the person than the sportsman. While Ali was one of the best heavyweight boxers of all time, he was also a dominant and controversial cultural icon. While the accomplishments inside the ring are not ignored, Myers examines the human aspect of the Ali story.

Hunger Games                                                                                Collins, Suzanne
In the ruins of a place once called North America, the Capital is harsh and cruel. It keeps other districts in line through the “Hunger Games”, a fight-to-the-death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen will have to make choices that weigh survival against humanity and life against love.

In Too Deep                                                                                Sherrand, Valerie
When Shelby Belgarden's peaceful hometown of Little River is shaken by a series of robberies, suspicion falls on Amber Chapman, a new girl in town who has alienated others with her standoffish attitude. Shelby's own dislike of the newcomer is fed by jealousy as she begins to suspect a relationship growing between Amber and Greg Taylor. But as evidence against Amber mounts, new clues cause Shelby to question her own judgement.

Juvie Three                                                                                Korman, Gordon
Three boys serving  time in juvenile detention are given a second chance in the form of Douglas Healy, a former delinquent  who is running an experimental halfway house. Things go well for a while until…

Janey's Girl                                                                                 Friesen, Gayle
On a summer road-trip from Toronto to Smallwood, BC, 14-year-old Claire realizes that her mother, Janey, has kept much of their family history a secret. When they reach Smallwood (and, eventually, Vancouver), Claire begins to unearth her father's identity, a new side of her mother, and her own dreams.

Left for Dead         NF                                                                         Nelson, Pete
This book explores the sinking of the USS Indianapolis at the end of World War II, the navy cover-up and unfair court martial of the ship's captain, and how a young boy helped the survivors set the record straight fifty-five years later.

The Naming                                                                                Croggon, Alison
Merad, an orphaned slave whose family was destroyed by war, unknowingly possesses a powerful gift that makes her a member of the School of Pellinor and inheritor of an extraordinary destiny.

A Northern Light                                                                                Donnelly, Jennifer
Based on a true story, this novel recounts the mysterious drowning deaths of a young couple at a resort hotel in upstate New York in 1906. It focuses on 16-year-old Mattie Gorky, a farm girl and aspiring writer, who may hold the key to the murders in the form of a packet of letters the dead woman asked her to burn.

The Other Side of Truth                                                                        Naidoo, Beverley
Smuggled out of Nigeria after their mother's murder, Sade and her younger brother are abandoned in London when their uncle fails to meet them at the airport.  They are fearful of their new surroundings and of what may have happened to their journalist father back in Nigeria.

Passchendaele : Canada’s triumph and tragedy on the fields of Flanders :an illustrated history      NF        Leach, Norman
When the Canadians were called to the front line in the fall of 1917, the battle for Flanders had become a stalemate. Repeated assaults by the Allied armies had gained nothing while costing tens of thousands of lives. Sixteen days later, the Canadians had accomplished what many had believed to be impossible. They had prevailed – and written a defining chapter of the nation's history with their courage and their blood.

The Pole                                                                                         Walters, Eric
This is a fictionalized retelling of Robert Peary's 1909 expedition to the North Pole aboard The Roosevelt, as experienced by a young cabin boy named Danny, away from home and at sea for the very first time.

Rabbit-Proof Fence         NF                                                                Pilkington, Doris
Following an Australian government edict in 1931, black aboriginal children and children of mixed marriages were gathered up and taken to settlements to be institutionally assimilated. The author traces the story of her mother, Molly, one of three young girls uprooted from their community in Southwestern Australia and taken to the Moore River Native Settlement. There, they were forbidden to speak their native language, forced to abandon their heritage, and taught to be culturally white. After regular stays in solitary confinement, the three girls planned and executed a daring escape from the grim camp.

Runemarks                                                                                Harris, Joanne
Maddy Smith was born with a rusty-coloured rune shape on her hand, a symbol of the old gods and definitely cause for suspicion, for magic is considered dangerous. But Maddy enjoys magic even if it just to control goblins.

Shattered                                                                                Walters, Eric
Fifteen-year-old Ian must complete community volunteer service at a soup kitchen for the homeless. He is rescued from a near-mugging by a homeless man named Sarge, who was a soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces and served as a peacekeeper in Rwanda. Sarge tells him about the Rwandan genocide and Ian tries to help this shattered man who must live with his nightmarish memories.

Skinnybones and the Wrinkle Queen                                                                Huser, Glen
Tamara is a 15-year-old survivor of the foster care system with dreams of becoming a model.  Jean is a 90-year-old cranky former schoolteacher incarcerated in a local seniors’ home, whose passion is opera.  Together, they run away on a road trip to realize their dreams, but their bossy, stubborn ways threaten to drive them to throttle each other.

So Yesterday : a novel                                                                        Westerfeld, Scott
Hunter Braque, a New York City teenager who is paid by corporations to spot what is "cool," combines his analytical skills with girlfriend Jen's creative talents to find a missing person and thwart a conspiracy directed at the heart of consumer culture.

Soul Surfer         NF                                                                        Hamilton, Bethany
The amazing story of the thirteen-year-old surfer girl who lost her arm in a shark attack but never lost her faith -- and of her triumphant return to competitive surfing.

The Sterkarm Handshake or sequel: The Sterkarm Kiss                                                Price, Susan
In the 21st Century, time travel is being used by multi-national corporations to exploit the resources of ancient cultures. One girl, Andrea Mitchell, has been placed as a liaison in the no-man’s land between 16th Century England and Scotland. Eventually she must decide between preserving this charming (albeit somewhat brutish) culture and her duties to her job and her society.

Stiff : the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers        NF                                                Roach, Mary
Roach examines the afterlife of human cadavers in this humorous, touching, and respectful look at how scientists utilize the human body.

Stones                                                                                         Bell, William
Garnet Havelock never quite fit in, and he is okay with that. When a mysterious girl transfers to his school, Garnet thinks he might have found the girl of his dreams, if only he could get her to talk to him. As Garnet struggles to win over one girl, another is trying to get his attention – unfortunately, she lived over 150 years ago. Part ghost story and part romance, this is a tale about outsiders and how they cope.

Any one book in the following trilogy:
There Will Be Wolves : the First Book of the Crusades                                                Bradford, Karleen
Shadows on a Sword : the Second Book of the Crusades  or Lionheart’s Scribe : the Third Book of the Crusades               
The first book in this series deals with a young girl who is accused of witchcraft.  Her one chance to save herself is to accompany her father on the People’s Crusade to Jerusalem.  She joins thousands of other pilgrims on a harrowing journey, which will expose the dark side of the “glorious” Crusade, and change her life forever. This series is a good way to preview one of the units covered in Social Studies 8.

Three Cups of Tea (original or young reader’s edition)                                                Mortenson, Greg
The inspiring account of one man's campaign to build schools in the most dangerous, remote, and anti-American reaches of Asia.

Three Wishes : Palestinian and Israeli Children Speak          NF                                        Deborah Ellis
This collection of accounts from young people between the ages of 8 and 18 portrays the sapping toll of war on their lives.
Toby Wheeler, Eighth Grade Benchwarmer                                                        Heldring, Thatcher
Toby, a gym rat always playing ball at the rec centre joins the school’s basketball team at the encouragement of the new coach. Toby is befriended by Megan, the coach’s daughter, and this causes issues for him and the team.

The Tropic of Hockey : My Search for the Game in Unlikely Places        NF                                Bidini, Dave
From Toronto to China, Dubai to Transylvania and back, this is a hilarious, moving account of one man's quest for "pure hockey."

We All Fall Down                                                                                Walters, Eric
This story is about a young man estranged from a father kept busy by his high finance career. On a school career shadowing day in his father's offices on the eighty-fifth floor of the World Trade Center south building, together they share a terrifying and demanding experience that builds understanding and mutual respect, and strengthens the fraying bonds between them.

Whale Rider                                                                                Ihimaera, Witi
As her beloved grandfather, chief of the Maori tribe of Whangara, struggles to lead in difficult times and to find a male successor, young Kahu is developing a mysterious relationship with whales, particularly the ancient bull whale whose legendary rider was their ancestor.

Zorro : a novel                                                                                Allende, Isabel
Diego de la Vega, the son of an aristocratic Spanish landowner and a Shoshone mother, returns to California from school in Spain to reclaim the hacienda on which he was raised and to seek justice for the weak and helpless.

In September, your Summer Reading Assignments will be as follows:
1. Oral Presentation:
a. Each student will choose a passage from one of their books, half a page to a full page in length, to read aloud to the class.
b. They will begin by introducing the passage and giving any necessary background so that their listeners will understand.
c. After reading the passage, the student will comment on the passage and explain why they choose it.
2. Brief Essay Response:
a. Students will write an in-class essay.
b. Possible topics could involve one or more of the following, as well as how each contributes to the meaning of the novel as a whole:
i. Setting
ii. Conflict
iii. Character Development

Note: You may not use the same title for both assignments..

