International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) results 2009 (09年结果)
Our IBDP pass rate is 100% with 21.9% of all exams gaining a maximum number of 7 points. 22.7% of our students achieved above 40 points out of a maximum of 45 with two students attaining 42 points. 我们学校的IB 100%通过率,其中21.9%得到7分。22.7%的学生拿到45分里的40分,两位获得42分。
This is excellent and helps to ensure that our graduates are now heading off to join prestigious universities around the world.
Worldwide Average (2008) DCS Results
世界 德威上海
Pass Rate (%) 通过率 79% 100%
Average Points per Student 平均分 30.58 34.23
Students achieving 40 or more points (%) 40分及以上 11.84% 22.7%
Average Points per Subject 每门课平均分 4.97 5.43
Number of Grade 7’s achieved in all exams (%) 7分以上 14% 21.9%
