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标题: [外语] 美国瑞藤-2014跨洋寒假英语兴趣1v3小班报名了! [打印本页]

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-1 11:38     标题: 美国瑞藤-2014跨洋寒假英语兴趣1v3小班报名了!



报名截止日期:2014年1月15日 (尚有名额,请联系客服)


1、兴趣班1和2-科学:Planets and the Solar System 行星和太阳系

(主讲教师:Nancy Fisher)

Come and take a tour of the Solar System. This course will describe each of the planets in our Solar System, explaining what is unique about each one. Special attention will be given to our sun and moon, as well as the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. We will learn about strange objects called comets and asteroids, and about mysterious places like the Asteroid Belt, the Kuiper Belt, and the Oort Cloud.


2、兴趣班3和4-科学: The Ocean and its Animals 海洋和海洋生物

(主讲教师:Kristina Heit)

The ocean is full of creatures unlike anything we have seen on Earth’s surface! In this course we will learn about the ocean, its habitats and the animals that live there. From tiny plankton to giant predators, we will see how marine animals eat and grow. How babies are born and grow, and how ocean animals interact will also be a focus of this course.


3、兴趣班5和6-社会学:US Landmarks  美国的地标

(主讲教师:Rebecca Cumbie)

Take a trip around the United States in this course as you learn about the historical and geographical importance of popular United States landmarks. Explore the Grand Canyon, travel over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, learn the history behind the Statue of Liberty in New York City, flyover Niagara Falls on the border of Canada and many more of the United States famous landmarks. Each class will look at a region of the United States and the famous landmarks that can be found in each.


4、兴趣班7和8-英语语言:Read Like a Rockstar 像摇滚明星般阅读

(主讲教师:Natalie Jones)

Did you notice the simile in the course title?  This class will help you develop a keen eye for figurative language, as well as an appreciation for story details, poetry,and vocabulary. We will read excerpts by famous English writers and discuss strategies for comprehending what you read. Become a bookworm today!


5、兴趣班9-英语语言:Writing Workshop 写作工场

(主讲教师:Bill Lindner)

Introduce the following English writing topics: Writing Process, Writing Sentences, Writing Paragraphs, Formal and Informal Language, Summarizing Objective and Subjective Language, Essay, Reports, Academic Writing, Creative Writing. We will also stress specific “Best Practices”, which apply to all English writing tasks. These include being concise, focused, organized,and accurate.
Our writing program includes specific instruction in writing, reviews of examples, and written assignments that give students the opportunity to practice and master specific skills. Teacher assign written homework each week, and then review the assignments with the students during the sessions. He identifies strengths and weaknesses in their writing and give them detailed feedback on their progress.



[ 本帖最后由 瑞藤教育 于 2014-1-16 11:26 编辑 ].
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-2 17:15

新年新气象,为了感谢各位家长的厚爱,瑞藤教育推出的这种一对三的兴趣班,既能保证老师对学生的关注度,还能让学生之间相互学习。针对上11岁以上、英语水平中等或以上,可以进行一般对话的学生。共计8次课,每次课 90 分钟 (含10分钟休息),共计12小时,而只仅仅需要185美元。算下来一节课不到15美元,比常规课程便宜一半还要多。截止日期2013年1月15日。名额有限,赶紧来报名吧!.
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-5 13:46

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-7 13:54

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-10 10:59

作者: 小洋妈03    时间: 2014-1-10 21:40

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-12 10:39

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-14 08:57

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-15 09:40

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-1-16 10:13

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2014-11-13 21:12

欢迎擅长阅读、写作的Sandra Richards老师!大家不要慌,应该可以抢到这位老师滴!

你好,我叫Sandra Richards,我是佛州和英国的认证教师。我有20多年的教学经验,教过英语的语法,阅读,写作和文学等。所有年级的课我都教授过,包括小学,初中,高中甚至是大学。

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