
[外语] 通用少儿英语口语星级考试二星资料分享,384楼录音教学,tonyli1976分享三星资料

原帖由 蝉宝宝 于 2008-6-28 11:53 发表 \"\"
原帖由 LAURE 于 2008-6-28 12:01 发表 \"\"
帐号禁用?晕死... 我去看看....


看来是没办法了... 估计是大家都在下载,所以被163判断为恶意使用了...
    通过 web (即 IE 等浏览器)、SMTP、POP (即 Outlook 等客户端)每天收发信件的数量超过所允许的范围或太长时间没有使用邮箱,可能会导致邮箱被禁用或冻结哦,当您遇到此问题,请在点击以下连接页面提交问题http://feedback.mail.126.com/antispam/complain_content.htm我们会有专人为您及时处理的啦。


好,我去找朋友帮忙了... 另外找个空间出来。

[ 本帖最后由 grant 于 2008-6-28 15:05 编辑 ].
















怎么下载不了? .





    经查询,你的帐号 twostardocument@163.com 由于曾发送未经许可的邮件(垃圾邮件)或广告信,或者曾经发生滥用行为(恶意上传或共享),违反了网易邮箱服务条款,已被系统自动禁用/冻结。

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下载了,晚上回去试试。 谢谢了,给个好评 。.


原帖由 samanda 于 2008-6-29 22:26 发表 \"\"
目前想的是做成一个简单的论坛形式,可是又怕旺爸会多心... 犹豫中。.


原帖由 wxyunshw 于 2008-6-29 09:13 发表 \"\"
1. 应该是随便下载一个安装就OK了。
2. 我有一次下载的winamp绿色版就带了这个插件的,不过不记得在哪儿弄的了。
3. 如果安装后还没OK,就试着在LRC的界面上做次歌词链接。



原帖由 wxyunshw 于 2008-6-29 09:36 发表 \"\"
(怎么觉得我说了两句废话... 汗自己一下... ).




回复 169#grant 的帖子







原帖由 毛子妈 于 2008-6-30 17:08 发表 \"\"
多谢LZ!问一个很菜的问题:附件已经下载了,也可以播放声音,但辅导教材有相应的文字材料吗?怎样才能看到?我家小儿这次也参加了一个考前辅导班,但辅导教材只有文字形式,没有录音磁带。不知LZ参加的是哪里办的辅 ...





原帖由 grant 于 2008-7-1 14:52 发表 \"\"

辅导班的详 ...


原帖由 毛子妈 于 2008-7-2 10:43 发表 \"\"







LZ辛苦了 .


原帖由 毛子妈 于 2008-7-2 13:04 发表 \"\"
Set 1
1. I was the first to see it. ( I was the last to see it.)
2. Tom picked up a big package in the post office. (Tom picked up a small package in the post office.)
3. The Bank of China is in a new building. (Then Bank of China is in an old building.)
4. It snows in winter here. (It snows in winter there.)
5. She turned on the radio at once. (She turned off the radio at once.)

Set 2
1. Do Americans driver on the left? (Do Americans driver on the right?)
2. How rich the country is! (How poor the country is!)
3. Peter played video games for a short time. (Peter played video games for a long time.)
4. She opened the window before leaving. (She closed the window before leaving.)
5. His son is eating noodles slowly. (His son is eating noodles quickly / fast.)

Set 3
1. Don't buy toys in this shop. (Don't sell toys in this shop.)
2. She was early ofr the dancing lesson. (She was late for the dancing lesson.)
3. There is a thin Chinese book in his hand. (There is a thick Chinese book in his hand.)
4. Are we going down now? ( Are we going up now?)
5. They went to the zoo with a heavy bag. (They went to the zoo with a light bag.)

Set 4
1. It's a good year for farmers. (It's a bad year for farmers.)
2. Don't you feel hot in this room? (Don't you feel cold in this room?)
3. After school, she does here homework first. (After school, she does her homework last.)
4. This film begins with a song. (This film ends with a song.)
5. The curtain in the room is thin. (The curtain in the room is thick.)

Set 5
1. Boys don't want to be thin. (Boys don't want to be fat.)
2. Is it going up? (Is it going down?)
3. I put the desk lamp on my right. ( I put the desk lamp on my left.)
4. The first lesson in the morning is English. (The last lesson in the morning is English.)
5. She closed all the doors in the building. (She opened all the doors in the building.)

Set 6
1. Let's stand up to watch it.  (Let's sit down to watch it.)
2. Many young people like this magazine. (Many old people like this magazine.)
3. My uncle likes to take a hot shower.  (My uncle likes to take a cold shower. )
4. The clock on the wall is not slow. (The clock on the wall is not fast.)
5. She left the room first. (She left the room last. )

Set 7
1. She asked two questions in her letter. (She answered two questions in her letter. )
2. My son took the apple with a dirty hand. (My son took the apple with a ckeab hand.)
3. I finished reading the novel today. (I started reading the novel today.)
4. How light your camera is! (How heavy your camera is!)
5. Can you tell him to stop crying? (Can you tell him to stop laughing?)

Set 8
1. I got on the bus at five thirty. (I got off the bus at five thirty.)
2. Do you often ask questions in class? (Do you often answer questions in class?)
3. There is a library on its left. (There is a library on its right.)
4. There are some foreigners living here. (There are some foreigners living there.)
5. I gave my new CD player to Mary. (I gave my old CD player to Mary.)

Set 9
1. I don't think it's a good book. (I don't think it's a bad book.)
2. Does she tell stories quickly? (Does she tell stories slowly?)
3. Tony goes to the library in the evening. (Tony comes to the library in the evening.)
4. She jumped up to take it. (She jumped down to take it.)
5. Our drawing lesson begins at 2. (Our drawing lesson ends at 2.)

Set 10
1. Is it cold now in Shanghai? (Is it hot now in Shanghai? )
2. Don't tell them you are poor. (Don't tell them you are rich.)
3. There are five fat people in the picture.  (There are five thin people in the picture. )
4. He likes to stand up to talk. (He likes to sit down to talk.)
5. Do you get up at this time everyday? (Do you go to bed at this time everyday?)

Set 11
1. I eat a big peach after school. (I eat a small peach after school.)
2. The desks in the dining room are new. (The desks in the dining room are old.)
3. Where shall we get on the light rail? (Where shall we get off the light rail?)
4. What a good answer. (What a bad answer.)
5. It's my first day in school. (It's my last day in school.)

Set 12
1. I had an early lunch yesterday. (I had a late lunch yesterday.)
2. Dont skip here. (Don't skip there.)
3. She walked out in her dirty boots. (She went out in here clean boots.)
4. Jack brushes his teeth quickly. (Jack brushes his teeth slowly.)
5. When do you finish doing your homework? (When do you start doing your homework?).


原帖由 毛子妈 于 2008-7-2 13:08 发表 \"\"
Set 1
1. Can we wash towels in a basin? (Yes, we can.)
2. What do we do in the dining room? (We eat / have dinners.)
3. Which can sleep in water, the deer or the hipo? (The hippo.)
4. How many easons are there in a year? (Four.)
5. What coloer is snow? (White.)
6. Do we take the light rail underground? (No, we don't.)
7. In which month is Christmas? (In December.)

Set 2
1. When do we use shampoo? (When we was our hair.)
2. Where does your mother cook? (In the kitchen.)
3. Does an elephant use its nose to pick up things? (Yes, it does.)
4. What color are tomatoes inside? (Red.)
5. In which season do we put on more clothes? (In winter / autumn.)
6. How many days are there in January? (Thirty-one.)
7. Which are often thicker, dictionaries or magazines? (Dictionaries.)

Set 3
1. Are zebras a kind of horse? (Yes, they are.)
2. Name two things in the living room. (Sofa, TV.)
3. When we are taking a shower, do we stand or sit? (We stand.)
4. Which can move faster, the crab or the snake? (The snake.)
5. How many tape recorders are there in this room? (One.)
6. In which season do we have snow? (In winter.)
7. Do you have the key to your classmate's house? (No, I don't.)

Set 4
1. What can we do in the kitchen? (We can cook.)
2. What color are pandas? (Black and white.)
3. Name two months in spring. (March, April / May.)
4. Do we drink from a cup or a plate? (From a cup.)
5. What shapes is your towel? (It's rectangel / oblong / square.)
6. Which Chinese basketball-player now plays in America? (Yao Ming.)
7. How are you today? (Fine, thanks.)

Set 5
1. How many bathrooms are there in your house? (One / Two / Three.)
2. Which is white inside, a carrot or a taro? (A taro.)
3. Can people sit on a camel? (Yes, they can.)
4. Where do people often put toothbrushes? (In the bathroom.)
5. In which season do we wear sandals? (In summer.)
6. What do you often do in your PE lessons? (We run / play table tennis.)
7. Which comes from beans, bean milk or mineral water? (Bean milk.)

Set 6
1. Where do we often see spiders? (On the wall.)
2. Name two things you often do in your bathroom. (I wash my face and brush my teeth.)
3. What do we need to cut meat? (AWe need a knife.)
4. Can we put CDs inside a camera? (No, we can't.)
5. "What color is the post office outside? (It's green.)
6. What months are between March and June? (April and May.)
7. When do you use your comb every day? (In the morning. / In the evening.)

Set 7
1. Do we often see green toilets? (No, we don't.)
2. Where do you wash your face every morning? (In the bathroom. / At the sink.)
3. What color are bees? (Yellow.)
4. What do we often do in the library? (We often read books.)
5. Where can we buy postcards? (In the post office.)
6. Are there many pictures in cartoons or novels? (In cartoons.)
7. How many pillows does a boy need on his bed? (One.)

Set 8
1. Do giraffes have long necks? (Yes, they do.)
2. What do we usually put on a tray? (Bowls and plates...)
3. Where can we see a sink, in the kitchen or in the study? (In the kitchen.)
4. Where can we go diving? (In the ocean / sea.)
5. Which is white, yogurt or honey? (Yogurt.)
6. What do you often have for breakfast? (Bread and milk.)
7. When is International Labor Day? (On May 1st.)

Set 9
1. Is there often a lake in a park? (Yes, there is.)
2. What is your favorite animals? (Rabbits.)
3. What color is the wall in your bedroom? (Pink. / Blue. / White. )
4. Which food is sweet, jam or noodles? (Jam.)
5. Where do you often have your supper? (At home / At school.)
6. When is the Teacher's Day? (On September 10th.)
7. How many people can sit on a seesaw? (Two.)

Set 10
1. Do we keep soap in water? (No, we don't.)
2. Which month comes after April? (May.)
3. Shall we play chess after school? (Tha's a good idea.)
4. Where do people get on planes? (At the airport.)
5. What fruit is red both inside and outside? (Cherries.)
6. When do people go to the pak, on a sunny day or a rainy day? (On a sunny day.)
7. Thank you very much for your help. (My pleasure / Don't mention it.)

Set 11
1. How manylegs does a stool have? (Four.)
2. What's usually in a wallet? (Money. / Notes. / Coins.)
3. Do buterfies often fly among flowers? (Yes, they do.)
4. Is there usually a catalogue in the newspaper? (No, there isn't.)
5. Which is uaually higher, a hill or a mountain? (A mountain.)
6. Do pupils often go to the bank? (No, they don't.)
7. I'm sorry I'm late. (That's all right.)

Set 12
1. Where do swans often swim? (In the lake.)
2. Are dresses for girls or for boys? (For girls.)
3. Can we take pictures with a walkman? (No, we can't.)
4. What color is thick fog? (White.)
5. What can we wash in a basin? (We can wash towels / clothes...)
6. Who wears a tie, your mother or your father? (My father.)
7. How many lessons do you have on Friday afternoon? (One. / Two. / Three. / Four. ).


原帖由 毛子妈 于 2008-7-2 13:04 发表 \"\"








我把所有文件合成一个.rar 放在 fs2you 上,这样下载方便一些,只是不知道保存多久。

[ 本帖最后由 LoveCherise 于 2008-7-6 11:42 编辑 ].


有时间的话,楼主也可以试试 http://www.fs2you.com   这是一个免费的网络硬盘。


提示: 该帖被自动屏蔽


原帖由 LoveCherise 于 2008-7-4 11:10 发表 \"\"
有时间的话,楼主也可以试试 http://www.fs2you.com   这是一个免费的网络硬盘。
传输 ...


原帖由 outlawsong 于 2008-7-4 08:54 发表 \"\"


原帖由 007妈妈 于 2008-7-3 21:11 发表 \"\"
嘿嘿... 对我来说,前面几件事都不是很难的,
有时就庆幸,还好在N久以前带了几年客户服务部门。   .




回复 232#grant 的帖子

谢谢琪琪爸爸,不过我很想要D听听做做、F看图回答、G看看说说。能否提供?请琪琪爸爸好人做到底吧!万分感谢! .


好评! .




原帖由 巧慧 于 2008-7-7 19:11 发表 \"\"
哦... 因为我对这部分是不用看教材的,所以以为不用放相应的文字材料了。
既然您这么诚恳,那我就继续干活了... 请稍候。.


教材Part D

D: 听听做做

Set 1
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Take a red pen out of the box.
Now draw a star in the middle of the whiteboard.
Draw a square in the top right-hand corner of the board.
Now take a blue pen out of the box.
Then draw two lines to join the two shapes.
Now wipe away that you've drawn.
Thank you. That's the end of the activity.

Set 2
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Take a can of Coke out of the box and put it on the desk.
Then take a can of Fanta and a can of Sprite out of the box.
Now put the Fanta to the right of the Coke.
Then place the Sprite to the left of the Fanta.
Now place the Coke on top of the Fanta and Sprite.
Please put all the cans back into the box.
Thank you. That's the end of the activity.

Set 3
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Take a blue pen out of the b0ox on the desk.
Now draw a circle on the whiteboard.
Draw a small circle above it.
Please write 15 in the big circle and 50 in the small circle.
Now erase everything on the board.
Thank you. That's the end of the activity.

Set 4
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Take out a piece of white chalk out of the box.
Draw an oblong on the blackboard.
Inside the oblong draw three circles.
Color the circle in the middle with the yellow chalk.
Then color the first circle with the red chalk.
Now erase the picture.
Thank you. That's the end of the activity.

Set 5
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Now you can see two boxes on the desk.
Please pick up a red ball from the small box.
Then put it in the big box.
Count all the balls in the box.
Write down the number  on a piece of paper.
Give the piece of paper to the teacher.
Good. Now put the red ball back into the small box.
Thank you. That's the end of the activity..


教材Part F


Picture 1
1. How many people are there in the picture?
2. What are the children doing?
3. What is the old woman doing?
4. Where is the boy?
5. What color is the curtain?

Picture 2
1. What are these four people doing?
2. Where are they?
3. Is there a vase of flowers near the window?
4. What's the boy holding in his hand?
5. Is there any orange juice in the jar?

Picture 3
1. What's the girl doing?
2. How many drawers are there in the picture?
3. Where is the clock?
4. What can you see on the floor?
5. What color is the girl's dress?

Picture 4
1. Who are they?
2. Where are they?
3. What are they doing?
4. Where is the cat?
5. What color is the sofa?

Picture 5
1. What's the girl doing?
2. Is the boy wearing glasses?
3. Where is the pencil-box?
4. Is there a dog near the window?
5. What can you say about the girl's hair?

Picture 6
1. Where are these people?
2. How many people are there in the picture?
3. What can you see on the shelf?
4. Is the bloy in purple short or tall?
5. What color is the woman's handbag?

Picture 1
1. There are three.
2. They are building the blocks.
3. She's looking at the children.
4. He's sitting on the floor.
5. It's red.

Picture 2
1. They are having breakfast.
2. They are in the kitchen.
3. Yes, there is.
4. A text book. (maybe)
5. Yes, there is.

Picture 3
1. She's playing with the doll.
2. There're three.
3. It's on the drawer.
4. Some books.
5. It's pink.

Picture 4
1. They are mother and son.
2. They are sitting on the sofa.
3. They are reading a book.
4. It's on the back of the sofa.
5. It's green.

Picture 5
1. She's drawing.
2. No, he isn't.
3. It's on the desk.
4. No, there isn't.
5. Her hair is long.

Picture 6
1. In a shop.
2. Five.
3. Many bottles.
4. He is short.
5. It's yellow..




A dog
This is a dog.
It's black and white.
It's a lovely dog.
I like dogs because they are our best friends.
I want to have a dog like this.

An orange
This is an orange.
It looks like a small ball.
I think it's sweet, but not sour.
Sometimes oranges are made into orange juice.
I like eating ouanges, and I like drinking orange juice, too.

A pen
This is a pen.
It's green.
It's not a new pen, but it can write well.
There are a lot of pens in the shop.
I have a pen, too. It's a birthday present from my father.

A red rose
This is a red rose.
It is beautiful.
People say roses show love.
So on Mother's day, I always buy Mum a rose, because I love her very much.

A toy car
This is a toy car.
It is new.
It runs very fast.
There are  a lot of cars in big cities.
Whih their help, people can go to work, go to school, or go shopping easily.

A mug
This is a mug.
It is yellow.
Therer is a picture of fruit on it.
Look, this is an apple and that is a strawberry.
The mug has a handle.
I drink milk and orange juice from it..


辅导教材Part D

D 听听做做

Set 1
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Pick up the English book from under the newspaper.
Open the book and turn to Page 17.
How many animals are there on this page?
Count them.
Now write the number in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Where is the bee? Draw a small nose on it.
Then join the bee and the ant with a line.
OK. That's the end.

Set 2
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Take a piece of paper out of the drawer.
What's the shape of the book on the table?
Draw the sape on the paper.
Now draw a star in it.
Put the paper into the book between Page 38 and page 39.
Then close the book.
Put the book on the left-hand side of the newspaper.
OK. That's the end.

Set 3
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Tell the teacher what's in the bowl.
With the spoon, put some wather into the cup.
With the chopsticks, put a piece of potato into the cup.
Pick up the cup with your left hand.
Hold the chopsticks in your right hand.
Where is the plate? Now put both the cup and chopsticks on the plate.
OK. That's the end.

Set 4
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Tell the teacher what's on the plate.
With the chopsticks, put the carrot into the bowl, and the potato into the

Now put ythe bowl on the left-hand side of the cup.
And put the plate under the cup.
Where are the spoons and chopsticks?
Give them to the teacher.
OK. That's the end.

Set 5
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Take the envelope and postcard out of the drawer.
Open the pencil-box and take out the pencil and stamp.
Write the word "dad" on the postcard.
Now in the bottom right-hand corner of the envelope, write your name.
Put the postcard into the envelope.
Put the stamp in the top right-hand corner on it.
OK. That's the end.

Set 6
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Pick up the envelope and open it.
Now you cna see two numbers on it.
With the eraser, wipe away the number "23".
Write the word "love" on the postcard.
Put it into the envelope.
Write the word "mom" on the envelope.
Now in the top left-hand corner of it, draw the shape of a stamp.
OK. That's the end.

Set 7
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Take the small comb and the purple mirror out of the drawer.
Hold the comb in your right hand.
Now look into the mirror on the desk.
Tell the teacher who you can see in the mirror.
Smile and show your teeth.
Put the comb under the mirror.
OK. That's the end.

Set 8
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Take the combs and mirrors out of the drawer.
Hold the big comb in your right hand.
Put the blue mirror on the top left-hand corner of the desk.
Hold the purple mirror in your left hand.
Comb your hair with your right hand.
Give this mirror and the big comb to the teacher.
OK. That's the end.

Set 9
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Please jump inside the rectangle on the ground.
Put your left hand on your chest.
Put your right hand on your belly.
With your right foot, jump into the star.
Now walk out of the star slowly.
With the blue pen on the desk, draw a circle in the top right-hand corner of the paper.
OK. That's the end.

Set 10
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Put your right hand on your head.
Put your left hand on your waist.
Now jump inside the circle on the ground.
Put your arms down.
With your left foot, jump into the square.
With the green pen on the desk, draw a star in the bottom right-hand corner of the paper.
OK. That's the end.

Set 11
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Pick up a piece of paper from under the scoolbag.
Write your name at the top of it.
Take the English book out of the schoolbag.
Open the book and turn to page twenty-nine.
Where is the tree? Show it to the teacher.
Now under your name on the paper, draw a tree.
OK. That's the end.

Set 12
Are you ready? Now let's begin.
Open the book and turn to page fifty-three.
Read aloud the first word on the page.
What's the last word? Show it to the teacher.
In the bottom right-hand corner of the paper, write down this word.
Turn to page fifteen.
Can you see a mirror?
Now draw a mirror above the word on the paper.
OK. That's the end..

