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[外语] 英文口语训练

   明天咨询照常,请大家准备好microphone哦    .




回复 #13 lilyma 的帖子

和你情况差不多,孩子口语 听力都不错,在和6-7年纪的一起上外交课,不过我是浦东的.






大家好, 英语口语训练班的时间定下来了:
1) 宝山区通河七村 - 每周一和周四, 早上9点到11点, 从7月2日起到8月16日
2) 徐汇康健地区 - 每周二和周五, 下午3:30到5:30,  从7月3日起到8月17日

感兴趣者可现在在牛牛妈妈那儿报名   电话:13611675114

P.S. - 所有报名者可在6月21日至开课前与我用MSN交谈极接受水平测试..




回复 #56 泡沫之夏 的帖子



Class Information - dialog



Dear BBMM:

Those dialogs below is needed for next class on Friday, please print it out and remind your child to bring it along with him/her on the day of class, thank you.

Dialog #1:
A: Dan--what do you like to do in your spare time?

B: I like to play sports.

A: Which sport do you play the most -- volleyball, basketball, football, or baseball?

B: The last one. When I was in high school, I was a pitcher.

A: You're more active than I am. I like reading, photography, and computers.

B: I don't know much about computers. All I have is a typewriter.

A: Really, but you can't get on the Internet with that!

B: That's right. I use the library's computers when I read my email.

A: Well, I know what you need for your birthday!

Dialog #2:

A: That box looks heavy, Serena. Can I help you carry it up to your apartment?

B: Thanks. This chair was on sale, but I wasn't thinking about the stairs. I wish we had an elevator in this building!

A: I've got this side. Hey, Serena, I was wondering; what do you do during the day?

B: Well, on weekdays I usually get up at ten. I get on the Internet or read the paper for two hours. Then I eat lunch around noon. If I have time, I'll go catch a matinee at the theater over at the mall.

A: When do you go to work?

B: I catch a bus at three-thirty, and I get to the office about forty-five minutes later. Wait; let me unlock the door.

A: And what time do you come back?

B: Here in the corner is fine, thanks. Uh, I get home pretty late, usually after one in the morning.

A: Really? What exactly is your job?

B: Oh, I thought you knew. I'm a TV announcer. I do WNTV's entertainment reports! Haven't you seen me before?

A: Gee, I'm sorry. I never watch TV.

Dialog #3:

A: Hi, Viola. Anybody sitting here?

B: Oh, hi, Tyler. No, have a seat. Looks like the whole dorm came to have lunch today, doesn't it?

A: Yeah, it does; it's crowded. They must have bused some of them in! Hey, in class today I heard you say that you have a big family.

B: That's right. I've got six brothers and five sisters.

A: Wow! That is pretty big! Are you the oldest?

B: No. Actually, I'm the second oldest.

A: That's got to be a lot of work. What do your parents do?

B: Well, my father drives a cab. He works out at the airport at night.

A: What about your mother; what does she do?

B: My mother runs a small family store.

A: What kind of store is it?

B: Oh, we mostly sell food - bread, eggs, milk, rice, that sort of thing.

A: I guess a food store like that would come in handy if you had a large family..


Dear BBMM:

The dialogs shown below is the three convo your child learned last class, on Tuesday. You can print it out to study or to use it as an example for your homework, thank you.

Dialog #1

Robert: Hello, my name's Roberto, I guess we're neighbors.
Lily: Glad to meet you. My name's Lily. This is my friend, Sara.
Sara: Nice to meet you, Roberto.
Robert: Glad to meet you. Where are you from, Sara?
Sara: I'm from Mexico, I'm spending this weekend here with Lily. Lily's also from Mexico.
Robert: How interesting. I'm from England by the way. I'll see you later then.
Sara & Lily: Well, bye Robert. Have a good day.

Dialog #2

Bob: Hey Amy!
Amy: Hi Bob! What's up?
Bob: Nothing much. You?
Amy: Gosh, so many things happened over summer! Oops, I got to go, see you!
Bob: Okay, talk to you later!

Dialog #3:

May: Happy Chinese New Year, Mary.
Mary: Thank you! Best wish to you as well.
May: Come on, let’s send blessing to all of our friends.
Mary: Good idea! Let’s go!.


回复 #48 泡沫之夏 的帖子



Class Information - dialog

Dear BBMM:

Those dialogs below is needed for next class on Tuesday, please print it out and remind your child to bring it along with him/her on the day of class, thank you. Also, please remind your child to bring the dialog sheet from last class along with these dialogs. we'll continue with that and finish learning Dialong #3, thank you.

Dialog #1:


A: Hello. Sylvia speaking.

B: Hi there Sylvia. This is Tyler.

A: Oh, Tyler! How have you been?

B: Good! I had a fantastic time in my sister's place.

B: How about you, Sylvia? Had fun during Christmas?

A: Yah! I had so much fun with my friends.

Dialog #2:

A: Hello, Sally Speaking.

B: Hi, this is Tom calling, could I speak to Michelle, please?

A: Oh, Michelle just went outside for lunch with her dad. Would you like to leave a message for her?

B: Yes, could you ask her to call 778 - 321 -1689. I need to talk to her about tomorrow's schedule.

A: I'm sorry, could you repeat your number, please?

B: Sure, 778 - 321 - 1689.

A: Okay, I'll tell Michelle to call you back as soon as she gets back.

B: Thank you, bye.

A: Bye.

Dialog #3:

A: Jiffy Pizza. Can I take your order?

B: Yes. I'd like a large pizza.

A: What kind of toppings would you like on that?

B: Uh, I don't know. What toppings can I order?

A: Well, we've got pepperoni, sausage, bacon, ham, pineapple, mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, and green peppers.

B: Hmm . . . I'll have sausage and mushroom. No . . . wait . . . let me change that. I'd like ham and pineapple on it.

A: Okay. Would you like a drink with that?

B: Yes. What do you have?

A: We've got one-liter bottles of apple juice, orange soda, grape soda, and cola.

B: I'd like the orange soda, please.

A: Okay. That comes to . . . thirteen ninety. May I have your name, address, and phone number?

B: Uh, my name's Joan Smith. I'm at 533 Rosewood Avenue, and you can reach me at 876-2345.

A: Okay. That's Joan Smith at 533 Rosewood Avenue, 876-2345?

B: Yes, that's right.

A: Okay. We'll be there at 5:15.

B: Great, thanks!.


宝山区通河七村现未满, 家长门如有兴趣, 可仍报名. .


Class Information - dialog

Dear BBMM:

Those dialogs below is needed for next class on Tuesday, please print it out and remind your child to bring it along with him/her on the day of class, thank you.

Dialog #1:

A: What a pleasant place it is!
B: Yes, it is. Isn’t it?
B: I’m glad we stopped here.
A: So am I.
A: What beautiful flowers and look at those trees.
B: Yes, they were lucky to escape from all those fires we have been having.
A: What’s that wonderful bird?
B: It’s a kingfisher.
B: It’s probably hunting for insects or worms.
A: What marvelous colors it has, blue, red and light brown!
B: Yes, it’s one of the most beautiful birds I know.
B: It flies so fast you can only get a glimpse of it as it whizzes past.
B: You’re lucky to have seen that one.
B: Would you like some food yet?
A: I’m beginning to feel quite hungry.
A: It must be the country air.
A: Yes, I would like something to eat.

Dialog #2:

A: I’ve made up my mind.
A: We’re going to China for the holidays.
B: How exciting.
A: I’ve got two whole weeks off this year.
B: Two whole weeks? That’s terrific.
A: We’ll leave in early June.
B: Good! Are we taking the car?
A: The car? Oh, no, we’re going on a package tour!
B: Oh.
A: And I thought we’d take mother with us.
B: Oh heavens! Do we have to?
A: Yes, I’ve made up my mind.

Dialog #3:

A: Are you going somewhere?
B: What? Oh these?
A: I’m making plans for our next holiday!
B: Oh yes.
A: I’d like to be ready, you know.
B: For example, we’re going to drive from Venice to Rome.
B: There’s a good road that goes from Rome to Venice, it’s very quick that way.
B: But sometimes it’s better to go a longer way around. You see more.
B: There’s less traffic, so it’s easier to drive.
A: How do you know which road is best?
B: The guides. They tell you everything.
A: Oh, really?
B: Of course. There’s a good restaurant in Milan so that’s where I stop for lunch.
B: Then in the evening, I would stop in Milan and stay in a hotel.
B: In the morning before I leave, I would go see the castle.
B: I write it all down, you see, one page for one day.
B: It all goes in here. I couldn’t go on holidays without maps and guides.
A: Oh?
B: Always make plans, Richard, that’s the way.
B: Always know what you’re going to do and when to do it.
A: Of course, I’ll remember that. Thanks..


Class Information - dialog

Dear BBMM:

Those dialogs below is needed for next class on Tuesday, please print it out and remind your child to bring it along with him/her on the day of class, thank you.

Dialog #1:

A: American Airlines. May I help you?
B: Hello, I’d like to confirm my reservation, please.
A: What’s your flight?
B: It’s Flight 808 of 13 August from California to Hong Kong.
A: May I have your name please?
B: My name is Lucy, L-U-C-Y.
A: Lucy, your seat is confirmed.
B: Which terminal?
A: It’s Terminal Four.
B: When can I check in?
A: You can check in two hours in advance.
B: Thank you very much.

Dialog #2:

A: Excuse me, I’m a stranger here.
A: Would you tell me where the Olympic National Park is?
B: The Olympic National Park is located on the Fifth Avenue, just on the opposite side of the International Hotel.
A: How long will it take me to get there?
B: About 40 minutes.
A: I’m not going in the wrong direction, am I?
B: No, you aren’t. Just go straight ahead please.
A: Can I take a bus to get to the Park?
B: Yes, you can take bus No.25 to get there.
A: OK. Thanks a lot.
B: Not at all..


Dialog #3:

A: What a nice quiet beach. There are few people here.
B: Let’s put our things down.
A: Look at those waves, Helen. It must be very exciting to swim there.
B: But I don’t swim so well and I dare not swim so far.
A: That’s all right; you may swim near the seashore.
B: Is it dangerous to swim here?
A: No, the beach inclines gradually and you can always feel safe.
A: Come on, Helen!
B: Okay, I’m coming!
A: Is it fun to swim in salt water?
B: Well, I’d rather have a sea water bath..






Class Information - dialog

Dear BBMM:

Those dialogs below is needed for next class on Tuesday, please print it out and remind your child to bring it along with him/her on the day of class, thank you.

Dialog #1

A: I’d like to apply for a visa.
B: Please fill in the form first.
A: How many photos do I need?
B: Just one.
A: Here you are.
B: When will you travel to china?
A: I’ve not yet decided.
A: Probably on 15 July.
B: How many days will you stay?
A: For fifteen days.
B: Have got your return flight ticket?
A: Yes here it is.
B: OK.
A: I’d like to apply for double entry.
B: OK. then you need one more photo.
A: When can I collet my passport.
B: Hmm …… tomorrow.
A: Could I get this afternoon?
A: I’ve planned to leave for shanghai tomorrow.
B:OK. Come back at three this afternoon.
A: All right, thank you..


回复 #70 泡沫之夏 的帖子

你好, 我们也靠近莲花路的南方商城, 开学二升三了, 可以来上附近的班吗?.


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