
How many percent of Chinese charactor are you able to handwrite correctly

These days we have discussed many things about spelling,
But you know, I have a question like the Emperor's new clothes for me,  How many percent of Chinese charactor are you able to write correctly in handwriting?
From English perspective, you have to have at least 80% spelling accuracy in written English,
why it is 80% not an even higher percent? I think normally we rely on spelling check to tell us wrong, that is also the reason why we have many complaints in WangWang,since we can not rely on spelling check and grammer check here.
But from Chinese perspective, we rely mostly on PinYin, therefore, with only 50% accuracy in Chinese charactor, we shall be fine in typing Chinese charactor.
Problem is: when you have to handwrite Chinese charactor, how well are you able to manage the Chinest Stroke.
How often do you need to handwrite Chinese charactor except for your name?
I think the accuracy of mine is around 70%--79%, it is a shame,isn't it, as of my mother language?
I have two irony moment with this problem
one time, when I was on the train with my daughter, she was writing her diary, and she asked me how to write "Yi" in Chinese which stand for aunt. I said:"oh, it has been long time that I did not write a characotor,so I forget it", then a nearby old lady suddenly gave me a very sharp glance,I feel embarrassed,the old lady must believe that she had caught an illiterate nowaday.  
another time, when I was requested to write a Chinese essay on the paper,except for those wrong charactor that I have written, there is one charactor totolly slip out of my mind, it is"Dai" which stand for sabotage, what a shame, I can't leave the blank on the paper like a small school child.

How about you?
How often do you write Chinese charactor by hand?
will you look down on the person who can not manage Chinese charactor very well?

[ 本帖最后由 nice妈妈 于 2009-3-19 07:33 编辑 ].

投票项目 ( 单选 ) 参与人数 8  

1.  90%--100%

4 (50.00%)

2.  80%--89%

2 (25.00%)

3.  70%--79%

2 (25.00%)

4.  60%--69%

0 (0.00%)

5.  50%--59%

0 (0.00%)

6.  40%--49%

0 (0.00%)

7.  below 40%

0 (0.00%)
