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how do you get along with your kids?

原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-3-4 11:21 发表 \"\"

there is no certification for parents(or kids), because we'll never graduate from our roles, open-minded parents will raise happy kids, happyness gives us a quality life.
Make sense.

BTW, are you a Daddy or Mummy.because your username sounds like transformers..


回复 51#PUPPET 的帖子

see 28th floor.


原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-3-4 13:11 发表 \"\"
see 28th floor
Uh-oh, I am sorry.

You are a good mother..


回复 49#丽贝卡妈妈 的帖子

thanks for your kind words!

i'm strong because of the supports from all my family and friends, i do believe nice things always go to positive people..


原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-3-4 13:17 发表 \"\"

Uh-oh, I am sorry.

You are a good mother.
don't be sorry, it's not your fault.


回复 54#混凝土 的帖子


Go and seek your sun who can share the happiness with you and your daughter.

If not,  just enjoy the happy life with your daughter, who is your sunshine always..


回复 56#丽贝卡妈妈 的帖子

it's so warm to have your encouragement!.


how often do you usually talk to your kids?

at what time you prefer?
After dinner, happy time.

what's the topic? and who decide the topic usually?
The topic varies...

can you always understand your kids?

will you share your history with them? even some embarrasing parts?
Yes... my daughter already knew that "daddy don't know everything". And I'd like to share my stories with her, even failure things.

do you have body contact with your kids everyday? do they enjoy it?
Yes. hug every morning. and she and her mummy enjoys very complex good night kisses....


very complex good night kisses...

i'm curious how complex it was......


I've been thingking as you said above , but  it is  confused that how to congtrol my care       to the child lest he should be too delicate.  My  husband always asks me to pay less attention to the child and raise a  real man .

I also agree with your  word  that  parents  are gas stations. Thanks for your sharing!.


回复 60#cyls 的帖子

as lots of parents, you love your son very much,  try to protect him from negative things, meantime, you want to push him to be independent, i think your son is more confused than you...

your husband is right - too much attention will make you too stress, give him bigger tolerance time after time. and parents should have their own lives and hobbies, not only around the kids as satellites.

If parents live a healthy life style, no need to worry too much about the kids..


回复 66#cocoyangyang 的帖子

just say star.  Star shape has five vertexes..


原帖由 混凝土 于 2009-3-4 16:39 发表 \"\"
very complex good night kisses...

i'm curious how complex it was.....
Well... lots of kisses. They can spend minutes on it.


回复 69#grant 的帖子

Oh, you seem to be a little bit jealous.

Ask them to share some kisses with you!   


[ 本帖最后由 丽贝卡妈妈 于 2009-3-5 14:02 编辑 ].


原帖由 grant 于 2009-3-5 09:34 发表 \"\"

Well... lots of kisses. They can spend minutes on it.
YEAH! that's the way moms express their love~~~we have a 'hug hug kiss kiss' time everyday, too.


my boy himself is already a good talker, sometimes, we really think he has talked too much, especially for a boy, and my job is just to keep listening, and point out some keen parts for his attention and well going....


回复 72#扬扬妈妈 的帖子

outgoing personality is more welcome by others, don't worry, he could be a good salesman in future, and you know...most bosses are good salesmen....


回复 73#混凝土 的帖子

thanks for your support.


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