
zt: Five tips for keeping your thoughts positive

zt: Five tips for keeping your thoughts positive

Turn off the TV:
    A recent study found that TV viewing is often done alone and can lead to feeling of  isolation. Spending your free time with friends and family boosts your level of contentment and strengthens positive feeling.
Start moving:
     Exercise produces endorphins, which are chemicals that increase feelings of happeness,reduce anxiety and decrease negative feelings
Avoid the "misery loves company" crowd:
    Avoid people who always hage something negative to say and instead surround yourself with people whose love and enjoyment of life is contagious.
Assess your strong points:
     Make a list of 10 things you like about  yourself, and reread it each time you begin to feel discouraged.
Focus on success
   Push aside feelings of failure and concentrate instead on how good success will feel when you finally reach your goals..


回复 1#笛子妈妈 的帖子

Widely reading

Travel a lot

Maitain hobbies as many as you can

Make close friends

[ 本帖最后由 丽贝卡妈妈 于 2009-2-28 09:50 编辑 ].


Its impossible for me. TV is my favorate thing. Turning it off  will make me feel sad and depression..


Turn Off TY  while open PC?.


Turn off my TV,
Shut down your PC,
Let's play with our baby,
we are happy happy....


回复 2#丽贝卡妈妈 的帖子

It is a good idea.
Making a resolution is easy,but keep it is difficult..


when children (maybe adults also) spentd too much time on computers, they'll loose patient on reading real books, this should be alerted!.


回复 7#笛子妈妈 的帖子

     By the way, take everything easy!.


回复 8#混凝土 的帖子

Agree!   .

