
[外语] 二星模拟试题,要的BBMM们快进来,还有一个月就要考试了


1. It’s a good year for farmers.
2. Don’t you feel hot in this room?
3. After school, she does her homework first.
4. This film begins with a song.
5. The curtain in the room is thin.

1. Boys don’t want to be thin.
2. Is it going up?
3. I put the desk lamp on my right.
4. The first lesson in the morning is English.
5. She closed all the doors in the building.

1. Let’s stand up to watch it.
2. Many young people like this magazine.
3. My uncle likes to take a hot shower.
4. The clock on the wall is not slow.
5. She left the room first.

1. She asked two questions in her letter.
2. My son took the apple with a dirty hand.
3. I finished reading the novel today.
4. How light your camera is!
5. Can you tell him to stop crying?

1. I got on the bus at five thirty.
2. Do you often ask questions in class?
3. There is a library on its left.
4. There are some foreigners living here.
5. I gave my new CD player to Mary.

1. I don’t think it’s a good book.
2. Does she tell stories quickly?
3. Tony goes to the library in the evening.
4. She jumped up to take it.
5. Our drawing lesson begins at 2.

1. Is it cold now in Shanghai?
2. Don’t tell them you are poor.
3. There are five fat people in the picture.
4. He likes to stand up to talk.
5. Do you get up at this time everyday?

1. I eat a big peach after school.
2. The desks in the dining room are new.
3. Where shall we get on the light rail?
4. What a good answer.
5. It’s my first day in school.

1. I had an early lunch yesterday.
2. Don’t skip here.
3. She walked out in her dirty boots.
4. Jack brushes his teeth quickly.
5. When do you finish doing your homework?

1.       Can we wash towels in a basin?
2.      What do we do in the dining room?
3.        Which can sleep in water, the deer or the hippo?
4.        How many seasons are there in a year?
5.          What colour is snow?
6.          Do we take the light rail underground?
7.            In which month is Christmas?

1.           When do we use shampoo?
2.           Where does your mother cook?
3.             Does an elephant use its nose to pick up thing?
4.              What colour are tomatoes inside?
5.              In which season do we put on more clothes?
6.                How many days are there in January?
7.                 Which are often thicker, dictionaries or magazines?

1.                  Are zebras a kind of horse?
2.                Name two things in the living room.
3.                When we are taking a shower, do we stand or sit?
4.                  Which can move faster, the crab or the snake?
5.                     How many tape recorders are there in this room?
6.                    In which season do we have snow?
7.                     Do you have the key to your classmate’s house?

1.                   What can we do in the kitchen?
2.                 What colour are pandas?
3.                   Name two months in spring.
4.              Do we drink from a cup or a plate?
5.               What shape is your towel?
6.                Which Chinese basketball player now plays in America?
7.                  How are you today?

1.              How many bathrooms are there in your house?
2.                Which is white inside, a carrot or a taro?
3.                 Can people sit on a camel?
4.              Where do people often put toothbrushes?
5.              In which season do we wear sandals?
6.               What do you often do in your PE lesson?
7.             Which comes from beans, bean milk or mineral water?

1.               Where do we often see spiders?
2.                Name two things you often do in your bathroom.
3.                 What do we need to cut meat?
4.                   Can we put CDs inside a camera?
5.                    What colour is the post office outside?
6.                    What months are between March and June?
7.                    When do you use your comb everyday?

1.                  Do we often see green toilets?
2.             Where do you wash your face every morning?
3.               What colour are bees?
4.                 What do we often do in the library?
5.                  Are there many pictures in cartoons or novels?
6.                   Where can we buy postcards?
7.                   How many pillows does a boy need on his bed?
1.               Do giraffes have long necks?
2.                 What do we usually put on a tray?
3.                  Where can we see a sink, in the kitchen or in the study?
4.                   Where can we go diving?
5.                     Which is white, yogurt or honey?
6.                    What do you often have for breakfast?
7.                     When is International Labor Day?

1.                Is there often a lake in a park?
2.               What is your favourite animal?
3.                 What colour is the wall in your bedroom?
4.                 Where do you often have your supper?
5.             Which food is sweet, jam or noodles?
6.             When is the Teacher’s Day?
7.              How many people can sit on a seesaw?

1.           Do we keep soap in water?
2.           Which month comes after April?
3.              Shall we play chess after school?
4.               Where do people get on planes?
5.            What fruit is red both inside and outside?
6.             When do people go to the park, on a sunny day or a rainy day?
7.            Thank you very much for your help.

1.       How many legs dos a stool have?
2.         What’s usually in a wallet?
3.           Do butterflies often fly among flowers?
4.         Is there usually a catalogue in the newspaper?
5.         Which is usually higher, a hill or a mountain?
6.         Do pupils often go to the bank?
7.         I’m sorry I’m late.

1.                Where do swans often swim?
2.                 Are dresses for girls or for boys?
3.                 Can we take pictures with a walkman?
4.                 What colour is thick fog?
5.                  What can we wash in a basin?
6.                    Who wears a tie, your mother or your father?
7.                      How many lessons do you have on Friday afternoon?.


















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