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[外语] StarBugs中低年级课堂笔记 (JJ老师)

Sunday, November 25, 2007
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
“Dragonflies” Class


The Dragonflies always bring such interesting things to share! Elaine brought her two mice in a cage. Their names are Banana Pudding and Mango Pudding! We saw a lot of wood shavings in the bottom of the cage. We noticed that the mice had short tails. Elaine told us that they eat seeds and worms.
蜻蜓们总是带来许多有趣的东西给大家分享!Elaine带了她的两只小老鼠,放在笼子里。它们叫香蕉布丁 和芒果布丁!我们在笼子的底部看到很多的木屑。我们注意到小老鼠有短短的尾巴。Elaine告诉我们它们的食物是种子和蠕虫。

Ella brought two small turtles. One turtle pulled its head and legs into its shell and didn’t do very much. The other turtle liked to crawl around on the table.

Holly showed us a baby seal (stuffed animal) that she got from the Ocean Park in Hong Kong.

Deanna brought the program from “Slava’s Snow Show” at the Shanghai Oriental Arts Theater. There were several clowns and lots of paper snow. It looked very interesting!

Catherine read aloud a book called “Not for Me.”

We read “Mice Twice” one more time. Then we discussed some interesting words from the book:

1. Snug: warm and comfortable. I feel snug in my warm bed.
        惬意: 温暖和舒适。在我温暖的床上我觉得很惬意。
2. Cunning: very clever but not very good.
        狡猾:  非常聪明但不是很好。
3. Rough (pronounced like “ruff”): not smooth.
4. Unharmed: not hurt, safe.
5. Hope: a feeling, to wish or to want.
6. Through (pronounced like “threw”): To pass from one side to another, such as go through a doorway. (In our book, Cat cannot get through the door into Mouse’s house.)
7. Whiskers: hairs on the face.


Sunday, November 25, 2007
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
“Butterflies” Class

The Butterflies came in from Teacher Ginny’s class with an information sheet about owls.
Hank showed us his remote control motor boat. It has an antenna. We talked about other things that have a remote control, such as a television, as well as remote control cars, helicopters, and planes.
You Mei brought in a Santa Claus decoration. This Santa Claus plays three Christmas songs on a saxophone: “Jingle Bells,” “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” You can turn the music on and off. Joyce told us that she likes to give Christmas gifts to her friends. Grace said that she puts a letter into a stocking and Santa Claus puts presents on the Christmas tree. Helen said that her mother’s birthday is the day after Christmas.
You Mei带来了一只圣诞老人装饰品。这个圣诞玩具能演唱三首圣诞歌曲:“铃铛声”、“圣诞老人来小镇”和“圣诞快乐”。你能开\关音乐。Joyce告诉我们她喜欢给她朋友送圣诞礼物。Grace说她把信放到袜子里,圣诞老人把礼物放到圣诞树上。Helen说她妈妈的生日在圣诞节后的一天。
Helen brought in a Barbie doll. Her legs can bend!
Grace showed us a giraffe that can dance when you push in the right place. She said that it was a gift from her drawing class teacher.
Joyce brought in a coloring book from Papa John’s Pizza. We talked about the different things that we like to eat on our pizza, such as chicken, tomato sauce, sausage, pineapple, and mushrooms.
Joyce带来了一本Papa John’s Pizza的彩色书。我们讨论了我们喜欢吃的批萨上不同的东西,如鸡肉、西红柿汁、香肠、菠萝和蘑菇。.
Candy showed us her “Hello Kitty” pen.
Candy带给我们她的“Hello Kitty”钢笔。
We read “Owl Babies” again. We like to hear what Bill, the smallest owl says (“I want my mummy!”). Then we talked about more of the interesting words in the book:
1. Around: in the area, nearby.
2. Ivy: a green plant that likes to climb.
3. A bit: a small piece.
4. Swoop: fly down suddenly.
5. Silent: very quiet, no noise. We tried to be silent for as long as we could. It was not easy!
6. Flapped: moved wings or arms very quickly.
7. Bounced: moved quickly up and down.

[ 本帖最后由 南方的燕子 于 2007-12-5 12:51 编辑 ].


回复 52#南方的燕子 的帖子

喔塞, 你翻的还是Deanna翻的? 可以吗。 谢了。.




Sunday, December 2, 2007
9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
“Beetles” Class

David brought several interesting items to share today. First, he had a blue ceramic piggy bank. Everyone talked about the different kinds of banks they have at home. He also brought a new pencil box with a built-in calculator. Everyone made up a math problem for him to solve with his calculator. We talked about + (plus, to add), - (minus, to subtract), x (times, to multiply), / (divided by, to divide) and = (equals).

David also brought in a very small snail from the garden. We used different words to describe the snail: tiny, itty-bitty, eensy weensy, very little.

Sarah sang two songs in Spanish that she learned when she was in the United States. One song was about a naughty rabbit and one song was about chocolate.
Justin showed us how his Batmobile also contains a Bat plane as well as Batman himself.

Tracy brought a toy with feathers that is used for a kicking game. (In the United States I think this game is called “Hacky-Sack.”)

Peter showed us his remote-control car and Robin had a new game cartridge in his Nintendo DS.
James talked about his blue and yellow bicycle, which is in his dad’s car. Maybe he will ride bikes with Justin later.
With the arrival of the month of December, we began to talk about Christmas. What do we already know about Christmas? We made a list: presents (gifts), Christmas tree, Christmas Eve (December 24), stocking, Santa Claus, chimney, Santa’s hat, reindeer, sleigh, wreath, ornaments (the decorations that we put on the Christmas tree), and Christmas carols.
Christmas carols are special songs that we sing only for Christmas. Robin knows “Silent Night.” Justin likes to sing “Deck the Halls,” “The 12 Days of Christmas,” and “Up on the Housetop.” Almost everyone knows “Jingle Bells” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”

Justin asked about two other December celebrations, Hanukkah (the Jewish festival of lights), and Kwanzaa (a more recent festival celebrated by African American people in the United States).

Our new book also has a Christmas theme: “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” by Dr. Seuss. First, we looked at the cover of the book, which shows the Grinch. We described how he looks to us: bad, evil, ugly, terrible, hungry. He looks like he is thinking about an idea.
我们的新书也有圣诞主题:Seuss 博士写的“Grinch是怎样偷了圣诞节的”。首先我们看书的封面上面是Grinch。我们描述他是怎样看待我们的:坏,邪恶,丑陋,糟糕,饥饿。他看上去像是在想主意。

We listened as Teacher JJ read the first half of the book. For homework, we can read the first half of the book again and then write new words in our notebook.


Sunday, December 2, 2007
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
“Dragonflies” Class
Deanna brought a soft stuffed kitten to share today. It has a red ribbon. She told us that she has had it since she was three years old. She said that she has a pink comb to comb the kitten’s fur. She did not have a name for the kitten so everyone made some suggestions, such as Lisa, Alice, and Cici, but also some silly suggestions, such as Hamburger, Potato, and Tomato! Maybe everyone was hungry today. J
今天Deanna带来了一只软软的毛绒猫。它有一根红色的丝带。她告诉我们在她三岁的时候她有了它。她还说她用一只粉红色的梳子来梳理猫咪的毛发。她还没给猫咪起名字,因此每个小朋友都给了一些建议,比如Lisa, Alice, 和 Cici,建议名字叫汉堡包、土豆和西红柿,也许这些建议比较傻,但看来每个人今天都很饿。J
Elaine has a small doll called a “ddung girl” dressed in a cat costume. She was also wearing “ddung girl” clothes today. She said that the doll has many different costumes.
Ella brought a Barbie doll and her dog. She sad that she can put the dog in water and the dog will change colors! The dog has a bone and a leash.
Alex had a very small orange. We talked about words like tiny and little to describe the orange. Some of us thought that the orange would be sweet; others said it would be sour.
Holly showed us a small white stuffed bear named Lucy. She brought many other small items that she uses when she plays with Lucy, such as a golden apple, a plastic green vegetable, a plastic fish, and a wooden bowling pin that she pretends is a bottle. She has a good imagination!
Catherine brought a book called “An Angel of My Own.” This was the story of a little girl who had a new baby brother. The little girl was very naughty but she learned to be more helpful.
With the arrival of the month of December, we began to talk about Christmas. We made a December calendar. What do we know about Christmas? We made a list: presents, Christmas tree, stocking, Santa Claus, carols (Christmas songs), reindeer, snow, snowman, Merry Christmas, special Christmas food to eat, Christmas Eve. We talked a little about the different ways that our families include Christmas activities at home.
Our new book is “Madeline’s Christmas” by Ludwig Bemelmans. Madeline is a little girl with red hair who lives in a girls’ school in Paris, France. Her teacher is Miss Clavel. In addition to “Madeline’s Christmas,” there are several other popular books about Madeline’s adventures.
我们的新书是“Madeline’s Christmas”,作者是Ludwig Bemelmans。Madeline是一个生活在法国巴黎女子学校有一头红头发的小女孩。她的老师是Clavel小姐。此外,“Madeline’s Christmas”,关于Madeline的经历还有几本不同的的书。
The homework for next week is to read the story and write new words in your notebook.

[ 本帖最后由 南方的燕子 于 2007-12-6 16:46 编辑 ].


Sunday, December 2, 2007
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
“Butterflies” Class
The Butterflies were very excited when they came in from Teacher Ginny’s class. They had some hot chocolate to drink. They began to make some Christmas decorations.
You Mei brought a heart-shaped decoration that she hangs in her window. There are two cats, some flowers, some butterflies, and a heart on this decoration. It is very lovely.
You Mei带来了挂在她窗户上的心型的装饰品。在装饰品上有两只猫、一些花朵、蝴蝶和一棵心。非常的可爱。
Helen brought a heart-shaped box. When you open the box, you can see a mirror inside. She has a beautiful glass bead and a bracelet in the box. She also brought a postcard with an interesting picture of a squirrel on one side, and a calendar for 2008 on the other side.
Candy showed us a rabbit puppet made in the shape of a glove. When you move your fingers, it looks like the rabbit is moving its legs!
Grace brought two white horses, a mother (a mare) and a baby (a foal). She also told us about the father horse (a stallion).
Joyce brought in a soft red Fuwa for the Beijing Olympics. We talked about the Fuwas and about some of the games that will be played at the Olympics in August 2008, such as table tennis, swimming, tennis, badminton, football, basketball, running, and jumping.
With the arrival of the month of December, we began to talk about Christmas. We made a December calendar. What do we know about Christmas? We made a list: Christmas tree, gifts (presents), star, Santa Claus (Father Christmas), reindeer, and carols (Christmas songs). We already know how to sing Christmas carols like “Jingle Bells” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” We talked a little about the different ways that our families include Christmas activities at home.
Our new book is “Madeline’s Christmas” by Ludwig Bemelmans. Madeline is a little girl with red hair who lives in a girls’ school in Paris, France. Her teacher is Miss Clavel. In addition to “Madeline’s Christmas,” there are several other popular books about Madeline’s adventures.
我们的新书是“Madeline’s Christmas”,作者是Ludwig Bemelmans。Madeline是一个生活在法国巴黎女子学校有一头红头发的小女孩。她的老师是Clavel小姐。此外,“Madeline’s Christmas”,关于Madeline的经历还有几本不同的的书。

The homework for next week is to read the story and write new words in your notebook.



原帖由 南方的燕子 于 2007-12-6 16:45 发表
Sunday, December 2, 2007
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
“Butterflies” Class
The Butterflies were very excited when they came in from Teacher Ginny’s class. They had some hot chocolate to dr ...





Anyone wants to help? Thanks a zillion! (1)

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2008-6-27 14:31 编辑 ].


Anyone wants to help? Thanks a zillion! (2)

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2008-6-27 14:34 编辑 ].


Anyone wants to help? Thanks a zillion! (3)

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2008-6-27 14:37 编辑 ].


今天的时间只够我支离破碎地翻译这个(水平那个汗~~ ,翻了好几次字典),翻译不对的地方请指正,不确定的地方我打了?

The Butterflies introduced a new friend named Billy, who went to Teacher Ginny’s class with them. They drew, cut, and glued a Christmas tree decoration with Teacher Ginny today.

We showed Billy the many ways we can say hello: wiggle hello, rainbow hello, bow, wave hello, butterfly hello, and no-hands hello.

Hank had a red pen. He can check homework, write, draw, color, and play with his pen. He can put the pen in his pencil box. He can take it apart and put it together again.

You Mei had a Santa toy that looks like a magic wand. It has a little silver candy cane on it too.

Helen showed us 11 robot cards. She is wearing a silver crown today.
HELEN 给我们看了11个机器人的卡片,她今天戴了一个银色的王冠。

Billy had a yo-yo with lights. It has a string. He can do many tricks with his yo-yo. He can take it apart to change the string if it breaks.

Grace had a unicorn toy that her uncle brought from Australia. “Unicorn” means one horn. The unicorn can talk and play music. The horn can change colors.

Joyce brought Beibei, the blue fish Fuwa. (Last week, she brought Huanhuan, the red Olympic flame Fuwa.)
JOYCE 带来了贝贝,那只蓝色的鱼福娃(上周,她带给我们欢欢,红色的奥运火焰福娃)

Candy had a beautiful dragonfly necklace.
CANDY 带来的是美丽的蜻蜓项链。

We read our book about “Madeline’s Christmas” and talked about some of the rhyming words. We also discussed new words:
我们读了“Madeline’s Christmas”这本书,谈到了一些押韵的单词,我们还讨论了一些生词:

1. Pause: stop for a short time.
2. Profound: very important.

3. Covered: something is on something else. (The scarf covered my head.)

4. Merchant: a man who sells things.

5. Mumble: speak softly but not clearly.

6. Medicine: When I am sick, I take medicine to get well.
Medicine:当我生病地时候, 我吃药可以使我好转

There are two interesting videos about “Madeline’s Christmas” on You Tube. The first video shows a scene from the musical stage adaptation of the book. You can see Madeline and the rug merchant singing a song:
在YOU TUBE上有二个关于“Madeline’s Christmas”有趣的视频,第一个视频展现的是通过书改编的一部音乐剧,你可以看到MADALINE和地毯商人在唱一首歌。

“Madeline’s Christmas – Abracadabra”

The second video shows only the cover of the book but you can hear a girl reading the text. You can listen and follow along as she reads:

“This is Jess reading a book.”

The homework for next week is to reread the story and write new words in your notebook if you have not already done this. Look for the rhyming words, too!


回复 62#唯吾德馨 的帖子



Sunday, December 9, 2007
9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
“Beetles” Class

David taught us a new Christmas song today (sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)
今天David教了大家一首新的圣诞歌, 曲调和划,划,划小船一样

Ring, ring, ring the bell,
Ring it loud and clear
To tell the children everywhere
Christmastime is here.

歌词大意是:叮当,叮当,铃儿响叮当, 铃声响亮又清晰,告诉所有的小朋友,圣诞节到拉

Justin likes a song called “Up on the Housetop.” Here is one version of the song (Justin’s words were a little different):

Up on the housetop reindeer pause,
Out jumps good old Santa Claus.
Down through the chimney with lots of toys,
All for little girls and boys.

Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn’t go?
Ho, ho, ho! Who wouldn’t go
Up on the housetop, Click, click, click,
Down through the chimney with old Saint Nick.

Robin brought a robot from Korea named “Kondon.” His legs can bend. Robin showed us how he can take it apart and put it back together. He told us about Korean money, called “Won” (pronounced like ‘wahn’).


Tracy has a funny toy from McDonald’s. It is a mouse with a big face named “Angel Blue”, sitting on top of a hamburger! There is a stamp under the hamburger, which stamps a picture of Angel Blue in blue ink. When Tracy pushed on the stamp, a light comes on! Sarah said she has a similar toy from McDonald’s, but it is a kitty.

Tracy带来了一个麦当劳的有趣玩具,是个长着大脸蛋的坐在汉堡包上的老鼠,名字叫蓝色天使。汉堡上还有一个蓝色图章,写着Angel Blue。Tracy揿一下图章,灯就亮了。Sarah说她也有一个类似的玩具,不过上面是kitty。

Sarah showed us a beautiful scarf that she got from her grandmother. It has an interesting smell; perhaps it is her grandmother’s perfume.

David shared a book of jigsaw puzzles depicting ocean creatures. He told us that he got this book in Singapore. Everyone enjoyed looking at the pictures on the puzzles and talking about their favorite sea creatures.

Justin brought “Speedbot,” his red Gobot car, which can stretch and transform. It has a rocket booster too. Justin likes to use his imagination to pretend that Speedbot can do many things. He told us that he enjoys playing Transformer games at www.transformers.com.


James has his uncle’s PSP today. He said that he has more games now. He will show the games during the break.

After the break, we made a list of some of the new words we discovered in the first half of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”
课间休息后,我们列出了一个生词清单,这些生词是我们在“How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”的前半部分发现的。

1. Mistletoe: a green plant with white berries. If you stand under the mistletoe, someone will kiss you!

2. Ramshackle: old, dirty, broken.

3. Screwed: twisted. (Note: When the word is used to talk about someone’s head being screwed on wrong, it usually means “crazy”.)

4. Frown: an angry-looking face.

5. Dream: a movie in your brain when you are sleeping. A bad dream is called a nightmare.

6. Quiet: no sound.

7. Hiss: to sound like a snake.

8. Sour: mean, not friendly. (A person can be sour, just like a lemon is sour.)

We talked about the rhyming words in the first part of the book and then read the second part. Teacher JJ showed us the words to a song about the Grinch. (Everyone will have a copy of the words next week.)

We began a discussion about the idea of “Christmas spirit” as a happy, loving feeling about others, such as our family. We like to receive Christmas presents but it is very important to think about what we give to others during this holiday season too.


For homework, we can read the second half of the book again and then write new words in our notebook. Look for the rhyming words, too!


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