
[外语] 今年八月的金章复习资料(感谢maggieshen为我们提供,如还有不同的内容请大家继续添加)


首先感谢lasteriso 为我们提供的三星资料,但不知这是否是今年八月份的三星资料,

[ 本帖最后由 心意已到 于 2006-10-26 11:30 编辑 ].




回复 #2 心意已到 的帖子



回复 #3 maggieshen 的帖子



回复 #3 maggieshen 的帖子

能否也给我一份啊?我的MSN:candygu24@hotmail.com   ,如不能发的话,我过来取.


原帖由 maggieshen 于 2006-10-24 15:15 发表


回复 #6 心意已到 的帖子



回复 #7 maggieshen 的帖子





回复 #6 心意已到 的帖子



原帖由 maggieshen 于 2006-10-26 09:28 发表


回复 #11 心意已到 的帖子











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2006-10-26 11:03



感谢maggieshen 为我们提供..


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2006-10-26 11:08





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2006-10-26 11:14





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2006-10-26 11:15





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2006-10-26 11:15





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2006-10-26 11:16





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2006-10-26 11:17





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2006-10-26 11:17




另:maggieshen 最后传的四张复习资料,在lsateries整理的金章复习资料中已有,我就不再贴图了..





金章.zip (304.75 KB)

2006-10-26 11:45, 下载次数: 604



1. What may happen in 20 years' time?
I will grow up.
I will be getting old.
I will be working in a company.
2. How can we save the earth?
Plant more trees and protect the animals.
3. Can I help you?
Yes. please.
No, thank you. I can do it myself.
No, thank you. I can manage it.
I want to buy a pair of shoes.
I am looking for a pair of shoes.
4. Why do I always have a headache?
Because you don’t have enough sleep.
Because you don’t have much sleep.
5. Thank you very much indeed.
You are welcome.
6. Does it always have warm climate in Hawaii?
Yes, it does.
7. Is lightening before thunder or after? Why?
lightening is before thunder .Because light is faster than the sound.
8. Is a whale a mammal or a fish?
A mammal.
9. May I speak to Lingling?
Sorry, she is not here.
This is Lingling speaking.
Hold on, please.
10. Could you show me the way to railway station?
No problem.
It is over there.
It is around the corner.
11. What do you say to your friends for the nice food?
Help yourself to something (vegetable. soup)
12. What do you say when you are late for class in the morning?
Sorry I am late.
13. What do you say when you see somebody is in trouble?
Can I help you?
What can I do for you?
14. What do you say when you are introduced to a new friend?
Nice to meet you.
15. What do you say when you see your friend doesn' t look very well?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s the matter with you?
16. Who is the major of Shanghai?
Han zheng.
17. Where is the biggest dessert?
In Africa.
18. Do you save pocket money?
Yes. I do.
No, I don’t.
19. Does your school organize "Arts Festival" every year?
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn’t.
20. Would you like a cup of tea?
Yes, please.
No, thank you.
21. What do you say when your friends say "Happy birthday" to you?
Thank you.
That’s very kind of you.
22. What do you say when you don' t want any more coffee?
No, thank you.
Oh, that’s enough.
Oh, I have had enough.
23. What does your father expect you to be when you grow up?
He expect me to be a doctor.
24. Do you think it' s important for us to do exercise? Why?
Yes, I do.
Because it’s good for our health.
Because exercise makes us healthy.
25. How long have you been learning English?
3 years.
26. Are you afraid of being alone?
Yes, I am.
27. Do you think you study for your family?
No, I do not.
28. Do you talk to your father about your school life?
Yes, I do.
29. What kind of animals were the dinosaurs?
A mammal
30. How often do you visit your grandma?
Once a week.
31. Have you ever traveled with your parents? Where have you traveled?
Yes, I have.
Hainan Island.
32. Who invented the first telephone?
33. Do you enjoy weekends with your family?
Yes, I do.
34. Where do you put pan to cook food?
Gas stove.
35. Is Japan in the east or west to China?
Japan is east to China.
36. Is piano a Chinese instrument or a western one?
A western instrument
37. Who helps you the most in your studying?
The teacher.
38. So you attend any after school activities? And what do you do?
Yes ,I do.
I attend drawing class, singing class and reading class.
39. Did you watch weather forecast on TV yesterday?
Yes, I did.
40. Where can you find a kangaroo?
41. Which city will hold the 2008 Olympic Games?
42. Where do you often buy clothes?
Department store.
43. When do we eat rice dumplings?
Dragon Boat Festival.
44. What do you do when you are free?
I watch TV. (read books)
45. How do you think of the fast food?
It is unhealthy.
It is not good for our health.
46. In which does it often rain?
In which = where
47. Where can you buy frozen food?
48. Shall we go and play soccer together?
That’s a good idea.
Wonderful, let’s go.
49. Is Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai or in Hangzhou?
In Shanghai.
50. Which city attract you more if you are on summer holiday. Shanghai or Hawaii?
51. What do you need to make a pizza?
Flour, cheese, meat, vegetable, etc.
52. How often do you clean your bedroom?
Once a week.
53. What do you think is a good war for you to relax?
Play the piano/watch TV/sleep
54. What do you say when others think your English is quite good?
Thank you.
55. What do you say when you decide to buy some things in a shop?
I will pay it.
56. What' s the best way to go to People' s Square?
By metro.
By taxi.
51. What' s the date today?
It’s August the twenty first.
58. How did you like the film?
It’s interesting.
59. Which country has the largest population in the world?
60. Help yourself to some fish.
Thank you.
61. Hello. how is everything?
62. Where does a koala(树袋熊) live?
63. Do you go home by yourself after school?
No, I don’t.
64. Which animal is the fastest in the world?
65. What do the western people eat on thanks-giving day?
66. In which continent can you find a penguin?
61. When will you start the next school term?
September the first.
68. What' s the weather going to be like tomorrow?
69. Excuse me. how can I get to the nearest post office?
Go along the street.
70. May I have a break?
Yes, you can.
71. Would you like to come and join us in the table tennis match?
Yes, I would.
72. You should take an active part in sports.
Thank you. I will take your advice.
73. How did you like the film we saw last night?
It is interesting.
74. How did you like the performance?
It is interesting.
75. What time do you begin and finish school each day?
I begin school at eight in morning and finish school at four o’clock in the afternoon.
76. Where' s the People' s Park?
In people’s Square.
78. When' s our National Day?
October the first.
79. What is your father like?
He’s fat.
80. What' s the weather like in winter in Guangzhou?
81. What does the musical clock do?
Tell the time
82. What' s the weather like in Shanghai in winter?
It’s cold
83. Which festival is in spring?
Spring festival.
84. How much is seventeen minus two?
85. What season is it?
86. What did you do yesterday?
I did my homework.
87. Who invented the first flying?
White brothers.
88. Which continent is the biggest in the world?
89. What do you often have for breakfast?
Bread and milk.
90. How many colors does a rainbow have?
91. What do you often buy in the supermarket?
Fruit and vegetable.
92. What do you need to eat western food
Fork, knife and spoon.
93. Where is Hainan Island?
In South of China.
94. Do you think the outdoor sports is interesting?
Yes, I do.
95. What does your teacher ask you to do in the morning?
Do morning exercise.
96. Does it often snow in Shanghai in winter?
No, it doesn’t.
97. When' s Women' s Day?
March the eighth.
98. What's your favorite subject?
99. Please name three different types of climate.
Sunny, windy, rainy.
100. Name one country that produces cocoa beans.(可可豆)
101. Which is your favorite day? Why?
My birthday.
Because I can go out and receive many presents.
102. What do you do in your spare time?
Play the piano
103. How often do you go to KFC?
Once a week.
104. Where will you study after this summer vacation?
In my school.
105. What kind of computer games do you like best?
Online games.
106. Are you interested in science?(自然课)
Yes. I am.
107. What do we often eat in Spring Festival?
108. What kind of exercise do you do every day?
Morning exercise.
109. Which outside exercises do you prefer, going skiing or going skating?
Going skiing
110. What's the most famous food in Shanghai?
Small steamed bum.
111. Do you like to live in a big family?
Yes, I do.
112. Can you get some fashion information in shopping?
Yes, I can.
113. What program do you like to watch on TV?
114. How do you think when your father beats you because you are not good?
You should respect me.
115. Please describe your school life briefly.
116. Which is the highest mountain in the world?
117. Is the sun a star or a planet?
A star.
118. Does your teacher arrange some multi media learning in the school?
Yes, she does.
119. Do you share housework with your mother?
Yes, I do.
120. Have you ever been to Disney Land?
No, I haven’t.
121. On which road do you always go shopping with your parents?
Nanjing Road.
122. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. isn't it?
Yes ,it is.
123. Which city do we always go to visit the Great Wall?
124. How often do you go for a concert?
Never./Once a year.
125. Which city will hold the 2010 EXPO?
126. What do we need to play badminton?
Balls and bats.
127. Do you always chat with your friend on Internet?
No. I don’t.
128. In what food can we find tomatoes?
129. Why do western people like to spend Christmas?
Because they want a break.
130. How do most people spend their holidays?
131. How often do your parents give you pocket money?
Once a month.
132. Where can we find the pyramids?
133. Have you ever seen mummies?
No , I have not.
134. What is your favorite movie you've ever seen?
Harry Potter.
135. Do you often read newspapers? What kind of newspapers do you often read?
Yes, I do.
China Daily.


1. I don' t like dry food.  
I don' t like juicy food.  
2. He looks like a man who is always very tired.
He looks like a man who is never very tired.
3. It' s impossible for us to climb on the top of the mountain.
It's possible for us to climb on the top of the mountain.
4. The lady in red wants to buy the cheapest thing in this shop.
The lady in red wants to sell the cheapest thing in this shop.
5. The girl is looking at the full bottle.
The girl is looking at the empty bottle.
6. He has lost his favorite wallet somewhere in this city.
He has found his favorite wallet somewhere in this city.
7. My grandma has forgotten what she did last Sunday.
My grandma has remembered what she did last Sunday.
8. Look! The sun is rising in the east.
Look! The sun is falling in the east.
9. Cars go faster than bicycles.
Cars go more slowly than bicycles.
10. My ruler is the longest of the three.
My ruler is the shortest of the three
11. The Nile is much longer than the Yangtze River.
The Nile is much shorter than the Yangtze River
12. I don' t like dry food.
I don' t like juicy food.
13. He often forgets to give me his files.
He often remembers to give me his files.
14. Lucy was surprised to pass the exam.
Lucy was surprised to fail the exam.
15. The man is much stronger than the girl.
The man is much longer than the girl.
16. Angel wants to borrow a book from her brother.
Angel wants to lend a book to her brother.
17. It is unnecessary for them to do the work right now.
It is necessary for them to do the work right now.
18. The books on the shelf are so boring.
The books on the shelf are so interesting.
19. The air outside is very fresh.
The air inside is very fresh
20. The most difficult thing for me is to be there on time.
The easiest thing for me is to be there on time.
21. In fall it is much cooler.
In fall it is much warmer.
22. He lent me a comic book last week.
He borrowed me a comic book last week.
23. Is it convenient for them to do shopping in this neighborhood?
Is it inconvenient for them to do shopping in this neighborhood?
24. My classmate never goes to school late.
My classmate always goes to school late.
25. There is much more water in this bottle than in that bottle.
There is much less water in this bottle than in that bottle.
26. It is impossible for Lisa to finish the work before 5 pm.
It is possible for Lisa to finish the work before 5 pm.
27. Look. the little cat is coming behind the house.
Look. the little cat is coming in front of the house.
28. What a delicious dish!
What a terrible dish!
29. I don't think she is the ugliest girl here.
I don't think she is the most beautiful girl here.
30. Look at the girl who is so happy.
Look at the girl who is so unhappy.
31. Lucy lost her favorite purse on her way to school.
Lucy found her favorite purse on her way to school.
32. They are going to leave Shanghai in ten days.
They are going to arrive in Shanghai in ten days.
33. It is much quieter in the room.
It is much noisier in the room.
34. It is unnecessary for them to do the work right now.
It is necessary for them to do the work right now.
35. He bought a lot of new things in the shop.
He bought a lot of old things in the shop.
36. He is the earliest boy in our class.
He is the latest boy in our class.
37. Who is the laziest girl in your school?
Who is the most hardworking girl in your school?
38. Do you know how the weather is outside?
Do you know how the weather is inside?
39. The fruit I bought yesterday is very dry.
The fruit I bought yesterday is very juicy.
40. This is the first time for him to visit Shanghai.
This is the last time for him to visit Shanghai.
41. The baby cried all night yesterday.
The baby laughed all night yesterday.
42 The sun is much bigger than the earth.
The sun is much smaller than the earth.
43 The film begun at eight 0' clock in the evening.
The film ended at eight 0' clock in the evening.
44 The test is so difficult that he couldn't pass it.
The test is so easy that he couldn't pass it.
45 The cleverest way is to give a toy to the baby.
The most foolish way is to give a toy to the baby.
46 Everyone wants to make it better for us.
Everyone wants to make it worse for us.
47 The computer is the most expensive one in this shop.
The computer is the cheapest one in this shop.
48 Nobody would like lazy people.
Nobody would like hardworking people.
49 Linlin told me that she would leave here the day after tomorrow.
Linlin told me that she would arrive here the day after tomorrow.
51 The girl standing there is very ugly.
The girl standing there is very beautiful.
52 My mother always wants me to be the best student in our class.
My mother never wants me to be the worst student in our class.
53 I think no one would like this terrible fish.
I think no one would like this delicious fish.
54 Look. the bowl is empty.
Look. the bowl is full.
55 She says it is the most interesting film she has ever seen.
She says it is the most boring film she has ever seen
56 No one likes to work in a noisy place.
Everyone one likes to work in a quiet place.
57 Peter thinks that he is the most unlucky boy in his class.
Peter thinks that he is the lukiest boy in his class.
58 Look. the lion lying there is so weak.
Look. the lion lying there is so strong.
59 She has answered the question three times.
She has asked the question three times.
60 The most hardworking in the girls is Lily.
The laziest in the girls is Lily.
61 It is more difficult for them to finish the work in two days.
It is easier for them to finish the work in two days.
62 The sofa is the softest among them.
The sofa is the hardest among them.
63 The most important thing is to get there before 6 in the morning.
The most unimportant thing is to get there before 6 in the morning.
64 I don't think the film we saw yesterday is interesting.
I don't think the film we saw yesterday is boring.
65 Yesterday it was very noisy.
Yesterday it was very quiet.
66 He told us. that we should live happily.
He told us. that we should live unhappily.
67 He has found 300 RMB in the street.
He has lost 300 RMB in the street.
68 It is inconvenient for us to go to school on foot.
It is convenient for us to go to school on foot.
69 My little sister who is very beautiful wants to be a teacher.
My little sister who is very ugly wants to be a teacher.
70 We want to plant a lot of trees in front of our house.
We want to plant a lot of trees behind our house.
71 She has failed in English test five times.
She has passed in English test five times.
72 The best way for us is to continue our English study.
The worst way for us is to continue our English study.
73 Don't put the box inside the room.
Don't put the box outside the room.
74 That T-shirt is the dirtiest one of them all.
That T-shirt is the cleanest one of them all.
75 It is much easier to work out the problem like that.
It is much more difficult to work out the problem like that.
76 My mother is very free during the holidays.
My mother is very busy during the holidays.
77 It is much cooler in autumn.
It is much warmer in autumn.
78 There are many students in the classroom.
There are few students in the classroom.
79 Jessie did a lot of right things last week.
Jessie did a lot of wrong things last week.
80 It is so different from that one.
It is so same from that one.


Example 1:
Pick up a black marker with your left hand. Walk up to the white board and draw a triangle in the middle of the board. Write your family name in the triangle. Pick up a blue marker with your right hand and draw a circle around the triangle. Draw a star over the circle. In the star write fifteen. Add the number in the star to twenty. and write the result on the right hand side of the star.

Example 2:
Take out the Chinese book and turn to page eighty. Write the first word in the top right hand corner of the paper. Take out the magazine and turn to page eighteen. Count the people on this page and write the number of the people in the top left hand corner of the paper. The number multiplied by two. Write the result in the middle of the paper. Take out the math book and write the total number of the pages of the math book on the left hand side of the word. Give the paper to the teacher.

Example 3:
Take the magazine and the vocabulary book out of the drawer. Open the vocabulary book and find the word "as". Tell the teacher the page number and show the page to the teacher. Now take the piece of paper with the red circle out of the magazine. Tell the teacher the total number of pages in the magazine. Please put the paper between page 62 and 63 in the magazine. Put the vocabulary book in the bottom left-hand corner of the desk. Ok. that' s  the end.

Example 4:
Take out some sugar with the red spoon and put it into the cup on the left hand side. Take out some salt with the black spoon and put it into the" cup on the right hand side. Pour some juice into the cup on the left hand side. Pour some water into the cup on the right hand side. Put the cup with water into the box. Put the cup with juice under the desk. Give the box to the teacher.

Example 5:
Take the two books out of the box. Hold the novel in your right hand. And put the picture book in the top right-hand corner of the desk. Now get a piece of paper out the drawer and write down on it the total number of pages in the novel. Then write down the total number of pages in the picture book. Take away the small number from the big number and write it down the total on the paper. Now put the slip of paper in the box.

Example 6:
(There is a circle and a triangle on the floor.) Draw a square between the circle and the triangle. Jump into the square with your left foot and with your right hand up. Jump out of the square with your both feet and with your left hand up. Jump into the circle with a book on your head and your both hands down. Jump out of the circle and give the book to the teacher. Jump into the triangle with your both feet and swing your body twice. Jump out of the triangle and erase the square.

[ 本帖最后由 lasteris 于 2006-10-26 11:51 编辑 ].




太感谢了!收藏了。 .




真是好资料啊,辛苦各位热心的MM了。 .




原帖由 阳光女孩 于 2006-10-26 19:17 发表




lasteries 真的谢谢你了,但我下载的打不开,不知为何.


回复 #34 della 的帖子



回复 #31 阳光女孩 的帖子

要的啊, .




在那里下吧。(目录maggieshen 里面的内容).


回复 #26 lasteris 的帖子



原帖由 kerry 于 2006-10-29 10:26 发表




回复 #26 lasteris 的帖子





回复 3#maggieshen 的帖子

孩子12月考,想要三星资料,谢谢 lucy.song@163.com.

