发表于 2010-11-12 10:29
回复 8#小猫宝宝 的帖子
What is your take on opinion about jihad?(你怎样看待伊斯兰的圣战?)
What do you believe is a possible methodology which governments can adopt to basically incorporate the human core values, the moral values of selflessness, brotherhood, over the materialistic frame of thought which people work by today?(你认为政府应该采取什么样的方法来确保人类的核心价值、无私的道德观、兄弟情义高于如今的人们为之奔忙的物质利益框架)?
You mention Mahatma Gandhi a lot usually in your speeches. So I was just wondering how exactly do you implement his principles and his values in your day-to-day life(你常在演讲中引用圣雄甘地的话,我想知道你怎样在自己的日常生活中实践甘地的原则和价值)。
Why is Pakistan so important an ally to America, so far as America has never called it a terrorist state(为什么巴基斯坦是美国如此重要的一个盟友,美国从来没有把它列入恐怖主义国家之列)?.