2007-11-30 20:54
My bed is like a little boat;
Nurse helps me in when I embark;
She girds me in my sailor’s coat
And starts me in the dark.
At night I go on board and say
Good-night to all my friends on shore;
I shut my eyes and sail away
And see and hear no more.
And sometimes things to bed I take,
As prudent sailors have to do;
Perhaps a slice of wedding-cake,
Perhaps a toy or two.
All night across the dark we steer;
But when the day returns at last,
Safe in my room beside the pier,
I find my vessel fast.
该贴文本与音频都来自于http://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/mysearch.php ,这个网里面还有很多很多英语原版诗歌、故事、寓言等等----,有兴趣的朋友可进去看看。
[ 本帖最后由 金虎妈 于 2008-8-30 20:34 编辑 ].