
[推荐] A letter about the fire drill from our oversea teacher 关于消防演习的正确的提醒

A letter about the fire drill from our oversea teacher 关于消防演习的正确的提醒


A letter about the fire drill from our oversea teacher

Hi Everyone,
I think it is great that the school put such effort into organizing a fire drill and coordinating this with the local fire department. It is clear that you are making student safety a priority. However,
after watching today's fire drill, I have a few safety concerns that I feel are important to mention.
I have never before witnessed a fire drill that encouraged students to RUN out of a building. This is an extreme safety hazard. This could result in a student falling, getting injured, possibly trampled – and never getting out of the building. In the event of a real fire, it is important that people stay calm and walk in a quick but orderly fashion. (WALK, single file - is the most safe.) In a real fire people will panic, and if they have not been taught to walk calmly, the result will be chaos, injuries and possibly death. Let's not forget, if a student were to fall, we probably would not be able to see them in the smoke, all the more reason to be sure they get out safely. (Noteworthy, I did see at least one student fall in today's chaos.) It is also advisable to make students stay quiet (no talking). It would be difficult to hear a student calling for help over hundreds of children screaming in panic or excitement. I thought it was good that the school tried to make the fire drill seem real by using smoke. However, I was shocked that the students
were not forced to respond appropriately to the smoke situation. If smoke is present, then students should be taught to get down low (crouch or crawl). Walking (or running) in smoke would be deadly.
Smoke is highly toxic and there is no safe oxygen to breathe if you remain standing. Students must get down low, possibly crawling out of the building. Again, running (and therefore breathing heavy) is the worst thing you can do. Students would be falling down unconscious in mere seconds. This is very serious. I am writing this because today's fire drill makes me worry about what would happen if the real thing occurred. Many of the things that the students did today would be very dangerous and life-threatening in a real fire. I come from a place of real concern... I was in a school that did catch on fire, and all students exited safely because of years of "drilling" safety into their minds. The panic was obvious, but they remembered the training, and walked safely out of the building. I hate to think what may have occurred if students were running and disorderly. I encourage you to bring these concerns forward to the appropriate person in charge, and discuss possible changes to the fire drill procedures. Meanwhile, I suggest all of WFLMS students take it serious.



1# 烟雾中有很多有毒物质存在,有烟时逃生要弯腰保证自己不会吸到有毒烟雾

2# 逃生时要快走,不要急跑,以免摔倒,因为火灾中经常是光线很暗的,摔掉不容易被发现,就可能出现踩踏事故

3# 逃生时不要喧哗,以免大家听不到呼救声




