
[经验教训] 装修日记(目标:舒适,快乐)




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[ 本帖最后由 Janina123 于 2010-6-17 15:43 编辑 ].


Show Your Personality Through Decorating

from http://interiordec.about.com/od/ ... decopersonality.htm
There are simple and quick ways to add life to your rooms by adding a little of your own personality. We can each express ourselves through our decorating choices.

Here are some things to think about as you discover your personal style.

Look Around
Observe the world around you to find inspiration. What objects in nature are you drawn to? You might be inspired by a trip to a tropical paradise or want to create the feel of an English manor. You may be surprised how simple it can be to bring your own personal style to your home.

Find Your Style
Some people will develop a style preference based on their childhood home. Others will be inspired through television programs, magazine articles, decorator showhouses or design showrooms.
Sometimes we are instantly attracted to colors or decorating styles which may not be practical for our current circumstances. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong, but try to settle on a style that can be carried throughout your home and will fit your lifestyle.

Color Your World
The feeling you get from your home can change dramatically depending on the colors you bring into it. Color adds interest and vitality instantly. Or it can help to create a soothing mood.
Walls can be painted any color you can imagine, so don’t discount the idea of painting an entire room red if you’d like. You can use color in fabrics for pillows, window coverings and rugs.

It is usually best to find fabrics in florals, stripes, and solids that can be repeated throughout the room. Use these fabrics for pillows, window coverings, cushions etc. We have lots of information on choosing color, so find what you like and go for it!

Select Furniture Carefully
Since furniture is often a large expense whether you’re starting fresh or starting over, shop until you find pieces you will admire each time you see them. When my daughter moved into her new home, she needed a comfy sofa for her family room. She chose a gorgeous cranberry sectional, and has added accents of the same color throughout other rooms in her home. It also works well with Christmas decorations.

Choose Art You Like
Posters, Plants, and Other Pretty Things
From Coral Nafie, former About.com Guide
Use paintings, posters, and art to show your personality.
An Eye for Art
You’ve probably been drawn to particular styles of art in stores, restaurants or museums. Do you know what it is about the art that particularly attracts you? Do you want to live with it? Maybe you’ve been fortunate to collect some original artwork throughout the years.
If you’re unable to purchase original art, you can easily get the same feeling by purchasing prints or posters. You might find some art you like at Artocracy, Original Art Online, or Poster Check Out.

Choose the right location for your pictures, using large pictures on large walls, or clustering many pictures together for a large statement. Smaller prints should still make a statement, but in a smaller setting. Small pieces can be clustered or lined up, depending on the space you have.

Check magazines and catalogs for new ideas. There are endless ways to decorate wall spaces or bookshelves with art. Iron plaques, wooden wheels and plate racks are just some ideas to consider. You’ll find some interesting and unique ways to display art in our article 28 Tips for Hanging Art. Maybe you’ll be able to think of even more.

Greenery Adds Life
Whether you use live plants or silk greenery, the effect is almost the same. I know people who wouldn’t dream of using artificial plants and flowers. But I also know that dead real plants don’t look too great!
Plants and flowers are a simple and relatively inexpensive way to fill and soften large or small spaces. A floral arrangement can make a gorgeous focal point in an entryway or a centerpiece on a dining room table. Plants on side tables can soften picture frames or provide a backdrop to smaller collectibles. Try using a ficus tree or palm tree in a corner and see the instant effect.

Be sure to properly care for live plants with proper feeding and placement. Silk plants should be dusted or washed to stay beautiful.

Display Your Collections
I love charming Santas and delicate angels. Do you have a special collection of things you love? You probably enjoy the process of adding new pieces over time. Precious coins, toy trains, fine crystal and other collections don’t need to collect dust in boxes. Find a place to display them in your home.
Rather than scattering collections throughout your home, make a statement by grouping them together. Plate collections can be hung on a wall, crystal displayed in a hutch, or birdhouses perched on a ledge.

Theme Rooms
Do you have a great idea for a themed room? What are your hobbies or interests?
A horse-themed room could showcase trophies, pictures and memorabilia. A child’s bed could be made to look like a jumping fence. The door could be designed like a barn door, and the room painted to look like a pasture.

We’ve got some great ideas for decorating themes for girls’ rooms and decorating themes for boys’ rooms.

For more mature rooms, draw on favorite travels, an interesting hobby, gardening, fashion, or a more traditional decorating style.

Final Thought
Most of us never “finish” decorating our homes. If our home really reflects our likes and interests, we’ll find wonderful new items to add and refresh the look and feel. This is part of the joy of decorating. Be open to new ideas and always enjoy the journey!

[ 本帖最后由 Janina123 于 2010-6-17 21:33 编辑 ].


28 Tips for Hanging Art

Hanging artwork baffles many home decorators. How high should a picture be hung on the wall, what color should the matting be, and how can you decide what goes where?
In general, artwork should be hung so that the center point of the picture or grouping is at about eye level for the average person. While this won't be possible in every situation, it's a good guideline to keep in mind.

Another technique to remember is that a grouping of pictures should be thought of as one unit. Test an arrangement of pictures by laying everything out on a large table (or on the floor), playing with combinations until you hit upon one that works. Laying them out on paper is even better since you'll be able to trace around each object and determine where picture hangers should be installed. Tape the paper up on the wall as a template for picture hangers and you'll be done in no time.

You can also lay out pieces of scrap molding (or tape) onto the floor to form the "outside" bundaries of a picture grouping -- the measurements within which the smaller pieces of art will be set. This is useful when a particular wall has certain boundaries that must be observed (such as a chair rail, windows, heating vents, and the like) and helps keep your arrangement the proper size.

Relate Art to Wall Size
Choose smaller pictures for narrow walls and larger works for big wall spaces. Here a hall wall is accented by hanging a set of six prints in a tall vertical arrangement. One or two larger vertical pictures would have been another possibility for this space.

Relate Art to Furniture Size
In general, when hanging art over a piece of furniture it should not be longer than the width of the furniture. The artwork shown in this photograph relates to the size of the table below it, and keeps to a general principle of being about 75% of the table's width.

[ 本帖最后由 Janina123 于 2010-6-17 22:20 编辑 ].


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Art Tips on Lighting and Art Shelves  

Narrow art shelves offer flexibility
Beautiful artwork can be lost unless it is well lit. See the top photo on this page for an illustration of an art collection that is properly lit.

Next, with art shelves all the rage, try one or two in your home to unite a small grouping of objects in a pleasing display.

Light Art Well
Illuminating artwork gives it importance. The track lighting in this hallway has been added to banish the dark hallway feel as well as make the art collection that much more dramatic.

Hang an Art Shelf
Popular art shelves are a great way to add interest and take up very little space. Artwork can be hung on the wall over the shelf as well as set onto the shelf with other decorative objects..


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Art Tips about Colors and Size  

Match or contrast for your room scheme
Choose artwork that underscores the mood or theme of your room's decor.

Is the room vibrant, pastel, or neutral? Is your furniture casual, formal, modern, or traditional? These are clues that will help zero in on the type of artwork that compliments the color and scale of a room.

Check Color
Vibrant colors bring excitement to a room while neutral colors are more calming. Which do you prefer? The artwork in this small dressing room echos the neutral tones found in the window treatment, table skirt, and chair seat. For a more exciting feel the pictures could have been matted in red to crosslink with the bedroom wall color.
Bigger is often Better
One large painting makes a statement and keeps things simple. It can also call attention to the focal point of the room which is often the fireplace..


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Landscape Art - Tips for Hanging Artwork  

Open up smaller spaces
Landscape art is one good way to visually open up a smaller space. The view of a distant horizon acts as a sort of "window" giving the impression of a faraway vista.
The lower photograph illustrates a simple framing technique of tailoring the frame to the size and shape of the object being framed. You can also mount some flat objects between two pieces of glass (pressed leaves are shown here) that allows the wall color act as a "mat" for the art.

Landscapes Open Up
Add the look of a "window" to a small or windowless area by hanging landscape art.

Think Outside the Box
Get creative when framing. These dried florals have been outlined in long vertical frames to give each piece added importance..


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Hanging Artwork with Horizontal or Vertical Lines  

Use line to underscore a decorating mood
The use of line is sometimes overlooked by home decorators, yet proper use of line can set the mood in a room.

Horizontal lines tend to elongate, widen, and emphasize a casual decorating scheme.

Vertical lines however, tend to be more formal, add to the illusion of height, and can seem more elegant and refined.

Horizontal Lines
Strong horizontal lines in artwork, or in the way artwork is framed or hung, tend to be calming and can give the illusion of width in a narrow room.

Vertical Lines
Strong vertical lines -- in a picture, in a frame, or in the arrangement on the wall -- add to the feeling of height in a room. The arrangement shown here is made even more dramatic by hanging the prints one above the other, furthering the sense of height..


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Hanging Artwork in Diagonal Lines  

Add drama to an arrangement
Hanging artwork in diagonal lines makes it appear more dramatic and exciting.

While artwork generally shouldn't be hung in offset arrangements, it is a useful technique in a stairwell as the floor levels change.

Diagonal Lines
Strong diagonal lines -- either within a picture itself or in a line of pictures arranged on the wall -- add excitement to the composition.

Offset Arrangements
Avoid hanging matching pictures in a perfect line whenever you'd like to emphasize a casual atmosphere. This works to create a dynamic diagonal line and stays away from a formal symmetrical look..


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Hanging Art in Symmetrical Arrangements  

Use this principal to echo a room's decor
Use symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangements of art to create either a formal or a casual feeling.

Symmetry simply means that when an arrangement is divided in half, each half is a mirror image of the other.

In the photo on this page the center line is through the platter, down the center of the mirror, and through the center of the dresser. The elements of either side of this imaginary center line are perfectly balanced.

Symmetrical Arrangements
Symmetry adds balance and formality to an arrangement and is generally pleasing and calming to the observer.

Aysmmetrical Arrangements
Do something unexpected by hanging pictures in an asymmetricl arrangement. This eye-catching grouping is a casual fun look for informal settings..


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Tips for Hanging Artwork  

Frame alike or similarly
Do you have some smaller pictures or artwork that you'd like to hang together? The two tips on this page illustrate a few of the ways to create a cohesive art arrangement.

Make a Box
Two horizontally framed pictures can easily be hung with two vertically framed pictures by offsetting each style. Notice that the perimeter of the entire grouping stays within boundaries that makes the smaller pieces work together as one unit.

Make Small Pieces Appear Larger
One of these objects hung on a large wall would seem out of place, yet this unusual grouping extends each piece within an arrangement that is a more appropriate size for the space..


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Collect and Hang Themed Art  

Stick to a theme, color, and style
Nothing ruins a carefully planned arrangement of art faster than if the pictures pull away from the wall because they weren't hung securely.

Always use picture hooks rated for the weight of the artwork or object, and attach heavy pictures to hooks that have been installed into wall studs or with specialized drywall hangers.

Hang Securely
Hang pictures to securely attached picture hooks rated for the weight of the artwork or object. If in doubt about picture hardware or its installation, ask advice at the hardware store.

Collect Themes
A group of pictures framed alike and hung together can have big impact. This display uses dozens of smaller pieces of art. Use this random technique for hanging a collection in a contemporary space. In your own home you might also consider more traditional collections of items such as movie posters, Ansel Adams prints, or Georgia O'Keefe florals..


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Hanging Wreaths and Hanging Art Low  

Get the feeling of art with other objects
Look for objects to hang on the wall that give the impression of art, yet may be better suited to your decorating style.

Wreaths, empty picture frames, old windows, architectural pieces, and other objects can all impart unique style to your home.
Wreaths as Art
Over this mantle a dried leaf wreath stands in for a typical mantle mirror or large framed picture and contributes to the relaxed country style of the room.

Hang It Low
Whenever possible relate artwork to the furniture below it. When hanging a large picture over a table for instance, the bottom of the frame should sit within 4-8" of the tabletop.

In this room the picture has been placed at about eye level for the twin girls who live here, which also allows it to relate comfortably to the low chest underneath..


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Art Tips for Frame Shapes and Mat Color  

Contrast adds impact
Bring unity and focus to an arrangement by choosing frame colors and styles that match the style of your home.

Vary Frame Shapes
Add interest to a picture grouping by hanging pictures with differently shaped frames. Here two oval frames round out a divergent set of rectangular frames. Handpainted vines and faux picture wires further serve to unite the pieces.

Mat Colors
Pictures will have greater impact if matted in a contrasting color to the wall. Choose a dark mat for a light wall and vice versa..


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Hanging Architectural Elements as Art  

Underscore your room theme with art
Perk up your interiors by using wall art that emphasizes the themed elements in the rest of the room.

Hang Architectural Elements
Use the principles of contrast to highlight a piece of art. Here the white window frame stands out agains the tan wall color, giving each greater impact. Try to match the shape and size of the piece you are hanging to the shape and size of the wall.

Stick to Your Theme
Support your room theme with art, repeating the colors, motifs, and style of the room's interior..


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Frame Art Alike and Hang a Pair  

A pair of pictures is always pleasing
To harmonize a set of pictures, mat and frame them alike. This technique can lend an air of importance to everything from the mundane (postcards, menus, photos) to the finest art prints.

Frame Alike
To harmonize a group of pictures, frame them alike. This brings unity and direction whether it's a pair of pictures or a set of twelve.

Art as Inspiration
Look for pictures that inspire you and use their themes and colors as the foundation for other room elements. Here Parisian prints are a daily reminder of a memorable vacation and supply the colors and style for walls, fabrics, and furnishings..


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Something Different on the Wall  

Three in One or Add Some Fun
Do something different -- it can really make a statement in a room. Try framing several items in one mat and frame.

It might be a trio of prints as shown here, a pair of etchings, or a set of six smaller family photographs. The size of the frame to enclose these objects will also give it the items more impact.

Three in One
Get more impact from a number of smaller prints by framing them together. You'll save a bit on framing costs and get one larger piece that may be a better proportion for the wall.

Add some Fun
Art can be humorous, fun, and whimsical. Look for themes that fit your decorating style and bring out the colors in other elements of the room -- in fabrics, wall color, flooring, and window treatments..


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Decorating Dos and Don'ts


Part 1: Decorating rules can focus your planning

The rules of interior decorating can be as solid as a rock or as open to interpretation as the sky. But many experts agree that learning the rules can be the first step toward freely breaking those rules when necessary. Here are some of the decorating dos.
>> Do sketch your floorplan and record the room dimensions, window sizes and placement, and the location of special features, electrical outlets, and so on.
Take your floorplan with you when you shop.
>> Do take the time to discover your personal style by reading shelter magazines, attending showhouses, and browsing online and in stores to learn what styles and colors really appeal to you.

>> Do identify the focal point of the room (a fireplace, a view, a bed, an armoire).

>> Do define a room's style in writing , being specific. (Not just "country French", but "French Country with a rooster motif, chicken wire cupboard fronts, and a color scheme that includes black and gold.")

>> Do pick a signature piece to focus your decorating decisions. It could be a beautiful fabric, an area rug, a picture, a piece of pottery, dishes, or a postcard. The item should embody both the color scheme of the room as well as the style and mood you hope to create.

>> Do coordinate fabric and flooring choices before making any major purchases, and before choosing exact paint colors.

>> Do purchase large elements first (rugs, draperies, upholstered furniture) whenever possible, and use the exact colors and style of those major pieces to coordinate all other choices.

>> Do use a mix of patterns -- large-scale, small-scale, checks, stripes, geometrics, plain -- when coordinating a room.

>> Do allow for natural pathways in a room (such as from the door to the closet) and try to arrange furniture with those walkways in mind.

>> Do consider the uses and function of a room before deciding on furnishings and arrangements. For example, if your dining room will also be your study, then you'll need room for a desk, books, lighting, and files as well as the dining room table and chairs.

>> Do consider using unifying elements such as trim color, wood tone, flooring, motifs, fabrics, or materials.

>> Do use the principle of repetition when planning shapes, colors, fabrics, and patterns. One red accent in a room may look like an afterthought whereas several red accents here and there will contribute to the color scheme.

>> Do plan ahead for appropriate task, general, and dramatic lighting by using a mix of light fixtures on dimmers for maximum control.

>> Do purchase the best quality furniture you can afford . Learn more about quality construction and materials that can prolong the life of furniture and make it a better buy in the long run.

>> Do read more decorating dos on the next page.

Part 2: Focus Your Project

Decorating "dos" continue on this page with more about fabrics, color, and accessories.

>> Do use contrast to add interest to a space. Placing furniture and accessories against a contrasting background will highlight each piece.

>> Do crosslink your rooms by repeating colors, fabrics, and themes in varying combinations.

>> Do balance a room's furnishings by paying attention to scale and visual weight.

Balance a large stone fireplace with a large sofa or armoire placed opposite.
>> Do arrange conversational areas to be within an 8 to 14 feet square area.

>> Do anchor spaces in open floor plans with area rugs and furniture groupings to define each space.

>> Do pair seating in conversation areas with side tables and lamps so that there is a place to set drinks, books, etc. as well as adequate light for reading.

>> Do choose accessories that reinforce the color and style theme of a room.

>> Do use scale and pattern to create interesting focal points.

>> Do use pairs of items to underscore symmetry and balance.

>> Do use odd numbers of items (3, 5, 7) when grouping accents for tablescapes. Do place items (high, medium, and low) within an imaginary triangle to add interest.

>> Do use symmetrical arrangements in formal rooms. In more casual rooms go for asymmetrical arrangements of furniture and accessories.

>> Do emphasize the important elements of the room and play down the unattractive or unimportant elements.

>> Do use a variety of textures (smooth, rough, shiny, dull) when you want to add interest to a room.

>> Do use line to underscore a room's style. Horizontal lines emphasize length and underscore a calm mood. Vertical lines will emphasize height, and diagonal lines emphasize space and provide a dynamic and exciting feel.

>> Do reinforce the style and theme of a room with appropriate details and accessories.

>> Do install more details in a plain boxy room. Consider crown molding, wainscoting, and other applications to add interest and character.

>> Do consider the location of your home and the architectural style when planning interiors..


Decorating Dos and Don'ts

Here is our list of the top things NOT to do, not now, not ever!

Don't Let Someone Make Choices for You
Your home is your personal space. Don't let someone else tell you what you should do. If you need help, ask for suggestions. But when the time comes to make decisions, they should be yours. It's your home and you should feel comfortable with the choices.
Don't Paint First
You can buy paint in every color under the sun. In fact, you can have paint mixed in any imaginable color you might want. Choose fabric, carpet, and upholstery first.

Don't Choose Paint From a Paint Chip
A small chip of a paint sample might look great in the fluorescent light in the paint store. But a whole wall of it might be overpowering. When you've decided on a color, purchase a quart of the color and paint a small section to see how the color looks in the room with natural light. If you don't want to mess up the walls, paint a piece of cardboard and tape it on the walls in the room where you plan to use the color.

Don't Decide on Colors in a Store
Never buy fabric, flooring, or paint on your first visit. Ask for samples of paint and carpet and swatches of fabric so you can see what they look like in your home. Check them out in natural light and in the evening with lamps.

Don't Settle for Blah If You Love Bold
A gallon of red paint doesn't cost any more than a gallon of white. You get my point! If you love color, find a way to use your favorite colors in your home. Choose colors that express your personality and coordinate with things you love.

Don't Make Your Favorite Color the Main Color
If you love red, you don't have to choose it for your walls. Instead, choose a more subtle shade to provide a background that will let items in your favorite color really "pop."

Don't Ignore the Psychology of Color
Don't think that you can create a relaxing sanctuary in a room with red walls. Blue and green are more calming and relaxing. Choose red and orange for play rooms or family rooms where the action is. Select a color scheme to create the atmosphere you want in the room.

Don't Forget Color Undertones
Not all blue is blue. Not all whites are the same white. Look beyond the main color to see if the hue is light or dark, crisp or dull. Choose coordinating colors with the same intensity.

Don't Force a Color Scheme
Don't "make" things match. Just because you have a red print sofa doesn't mean that it will coordinate with any red stripe draperies. Choose your color family, identify the major pieces, decide what you have that will have a place in the room, and then recover, repaint, and coordinate all the elements. Find another place for or get rid of anything that doesn't fit your plan.

Don't Ignore the Focal Point of Your Room
Not every room has a focal point, but if yours does, make it important. Arrange the artwork and furniture around this important element.

Don't Let Your Furniture Hug the Walls
Don't arrange the chairs, sofa, and tables all around the room unless you have no choice. Make groupings of furniture for conversations and pull pieces into the center of the room for a warmer feeling of comfort.

Don't Build Barriers
Don't put a chair in front of a door or a table in an obvious traffic area. Leave room for easy access and movement within the room.

Don't Settle for Cheap
Don't choose a piece of furniture because of a pretty cover or fun color. First, see if it's well made, has interesting details or classic lines. If it does, you can always recover the upholstery in a fabric you choose or refinish the frame.

Don't Invest in Trends
Don't break you budget on pieces that are trendy. Trends come and go. You'll want to spend your precious resources on pieces that will last for a while. If you are attracted to crystal studded or fur-covered furniture, experiment with a less expensive crystal embellished lampshade or faux fur throw.

Don't Keep Mismatched Furniture
If you inherit or end up with a lot of pieces that don't match, find a way to tie them together in your decorating scheme. Paint odd wooden furniture frames to match or recover pillows and upholstery with coordinating fabrics.

Don't Be Extravagant on Useless Pieces
If a piece doesn't serve some function and won't last for years, put your money back in your wallet. Save your funds for the necessities unless you just can't resist.

Don't Keep Things Because You Think You Should
Don't feel obligated to keep a piece you've inherited. If it doesn't appeal to you or it doesn't fit your space, either fix it or get rid of it. After all, it's your home. They'll understand!

Don't Allow Ugly Anywhere
Of course, ugly is in the eye of the beholder. But don't think you can learn to like something if you really don't. Get rid of it!

Don't Display Every Personal Treasure
Don't overcrowd your home with collectibles. Make each piece be important. If it isn't or if you don't have room, store them away and change your collection from time to time. You'll be glad when it's time to dust!

Don't Forget the Details
Don't just paint the walls and put the furniture around the room. Learn about details that make your decorating style unique. Find interesting lamps, arrange books neatly, add decorative pillows to furniture, and include fragrant candles and flowers.

Part 4: Jump start a project and choose wisely

More decorating "don'ts".

>> Don't fall in love with cheap furniture just because it has an appealing color or exciting fabric. Look for good lines, quality construction, and elegant details first. Then have those pieces covered in a fabric or finish that you love.

>> Don't choose colors standing in a store.

Try to take samples (of paint, fabrics, and floorcoverings) back to your home and look at them in daylight and at night.
>> Don't spend a lot of money on expensive items that are "trendy". Try out trends that truly appeal to you by experimenting first with inexpensive accessories.

>> Don't live with a lot of mismatched furniture orphans. Unite pieces with color -- either by painting everything one color (white, pale gold, or black for example) or by recovering everything using identical or a mix of coordinating fabrics.

>> Don't always choose backgrounds in your favorite color. Sometimes providing a softer background will make your favorite color stand out as the brightest accent color in the room.

>> Don't choose everything beige if you really love color. Remember, color doesn't cost more than white. Wouldn't a pretty mango, soft coral, or lovely green wall make a terrific backdrop for your white sofa?

>> Don't ignore the mood effects of color -- red is exciting, pale blue soothing, green calming, and yellow is happy -- so choose color schemes that underscore the feeling you want to create in your home.

>> Don't disregard the undertones of a color. Every color can be either light or dark, cool or warm, clear or muddy. Look for these color cues when choosing color.

>> Don't blow your entire budget on something that isn't functional, classic, or long-lasting, unless you're completely smitten and can't live without it. In general it's best to start with the basics and build from there..




上面这么多   偶唯一看得懂的就是图片,谁说“老师就是普通银。。。?  普通fa原来是酱紫滴啊.


原帖由 Janina123 于 2010-6-17 15:42 发表

百度上去查了梅雨季的装修注意事 ...
梅雨梅雨啊 我家水电下周结束 接着就是地暖 然后就是水泥找平 不知道有没有影响呢


回复 372#DOUDOU爸妈 的帖子



原帖由 sushine 于 2010-6-18 16:32 发表
上面这么多   偶唯一看得懂的就是图片,谁说“老师就是普通银。。。?  普通fa原来是酱紫滴啊


回复 373#Janina123 的帖子

是啊是啊 问问清楚 宁可晚点安装呢 不过我估计商家会跟你说没关系的.


回复 374#Janina123 的帖子

嘻嘻   我纯粹就是外行看热闹,图片花花绿绿滴  好看的很



回复 373#Janina123 的帖子

我也发愁这个梅雨,准备7月1号开始墙面的二次休整,貌似墙体刮腻子很受天气的影响哎,没办法   只有这时候有空,房子找好,孩子放假,工人约好,万事俱备不能回头了¥%……&*.


2010/6/20 新进展:TCL面板,欧普灯具,宇邦橱柜图纸

1, 地板来量好了尺寸
2, TCL面板送来了,很满意,不多说了
3, 到欧普买好了T5灯管,用迷你节能灯的筒灯,还买了个吸顶灯,镜灯
4, 晚上到家看到宇邦橱柜复测后图纸发到信箱了,昨天测的,今天就来图了,挺快,这两天有抽时间去宇邦橱柜付钱了.

[ 本帖最后由 Janina123 于 2010-6-21 09:23 编辑 ].





回复 379#Janina123 的帖子



原帖由 小菠萝的妈妈 于 2010-6-20 22:23 发表


20100406(003).jpg (201.18 KB)

2010-6-21 09:35



2010/6/21 是否要补装通风窗呢?



通风窗.jpg (20.55 KB)

2010-6-21 21:28



2010/6/21 蜗牛爬的施工队终于有进展了




2010/6/23 装好TCL面板和灯了



原帖由 Janina123 于 2010-6-21 21:27 发表
看说明书,说有种通风窗,套在通风管上就可以,这个通风窗可以装在外墙上,通风管与通风孔的空隙处还要用水泥填封.也可以装在 ...


回复 383#Janina123 的帖子

我们家现在的卫生间就是毛巾挂在门背后的 下面有门吸的 门打开不会碰到毛巾
还有就是马桶的上方放那种四五根一起宽的毛巾杆 我就用来放大的浴巾
刚用完湿的时候挂起来 反正之后还会拿去洗或者拿去晒干的
如果是晒干干净的浴巾 就几块叠放在一起 放在最上面
不知道我说的明白吗 如果不明白我拍几张PP给你?.


回复 351#Janina123 的帖子

还有一种方法 就是买可以转换角度的毛巾杆 四五根是上下并在一起的 也可以分开的那种
这种我也用过的 可以挂好几条毛巾 不是很占地方看起来也不是很乱.


回复 384#Janina123 的帖子

还有就是宜家有卖那种塑料的大的样子像凳子一样的箱子 里面可以放备用的毛巾 浴巾
你要是有地方放也可以买一个 里面能放好多东西
台盆柜的侧面也可以装放毛巾的挂杆 这个地方倒是可以放擦脚布什么的

[ 本帖最后由 DOUDOU爸妈 于 2010-6-24 12:43 编辑 ].


回复 386#DOUDOU爸妈 的帖子



原帖由 qiuqiu妈 于 2010-6-24 11:43 发表

这个你家没有装吗,一定要装的,否则雨水真的会被风吹进来,不要买塑料的,去建材市场或百安居(贵点),买不锈钢的那种.也可能不是纯不锈钢,反正就是看上去象不锈钢一样颜色.一般有2中尺寸,大的是油烟机,小的是排风扇.弯 ...


回复 387#DOUDOU爸妈 的帖子



回复 388#DOUDOU爸妈 的帖子




1, 弱电部分面板装不进暗盒

2, 欧普筒灯有一个坏的

[ 本帖最后由 Janina123 于 2010-6-24 19:57 编辑 ].


弱电模块.jpg (36.13 KB)

2010-6-24 19:54






回复 393#Janina123 的帖子



回复 395#小菠萝的妈妈 的帖子

我家是美驭系列 ,不知道你那个系列模块后面是否有加强筋

[ 本帖最后由 Janina123 于 2010-6-25 09:33 编辑 ].


回复 382#Janina123 的帖子



2010/6/26-27 木工大聚会


[ 本帖最后由 Janina123 于 2010-6-28 08:42 编辑 ].





回复 88#qiuqiu妈 的帖子


