查看完整版本: BBC,英国人吐槽美式英语

不二周助 2014-3-27 20:16




1. When people ask for something, I often hear: "Can I get a..." It infuriates me. It's not New York. It's not the 90s. You're not in Central Perk with the rest of the Friends. Really."​​

当某些人想要什么东西时,我经常听到他们说:“Can I get a...(我能要一个……)”这让我大为恼火。这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在Central Perk里演《老友记》啊,真是的!​​


2. The next time someone tells you something is the "least worst option", tell them that their most best option is learning grammar.​​

下次要是有人跟你讲XXX是the “least worst option”(最好选择),你就告诉他们对于他们来说最最最好的选择是滚回去学语法。​​


3. The phrase I've watched seep into the language (especially with broadcasters) is "two-time" and "three-time". Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost? Grammatically it makes no sense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse rises every time I hear or see it. Which is not healthy as it's almost every day now. Argh!​​

我经历过的渐渐渗入到英语里的短语(特别是播音员使用的)是“two-time(两次)”和“three -time(三次)"。难道double啊triple啊什么的都彻底消失了么?从语法上来说,这根本构不成短语,而且用在口语中更糟糕。每次听到或者看到它我就心跳加速。这对我的健康造成了威胁,因为基本每天都要经历这些。我去!​​


4. Using 24/7 rather than "24 hours, 7 days a week" or even just plain "all day, every day".​​

使用24/7来表达“全天候”,而不是“24 hours, 7 days a week”,或者就朴实地说“all day, every day”。​​


5. The one I can't stand is "deplane", meaning to disembark an aircraft, used in the phrase "you will be able to deplane momentarily".​​

我不能忍受的就是“deplane”这个词,意思就是下飞机,用法是这样的:“You will be able to deplane momentarily(您很快就能下飞机了)”。​​


6. To "wait on" instead of "wait for" when you're not a waiter - once read a friend's comment about being in a station waiting on a train. For him, the train had yet to arrive - I would have thought rather that it had got stuck at the station with the friend on board.​​

用“wait on”而不是“wait for”,而且你还不是服务员。有次我读了一段朋友就在车站等车(waiting on a train)发表的评论。他所表达的意思是,火车一直没到站。而我却以为朋友在车上,但是车却困在了车站里。​​


7. "It is what it is". Pity us.​​

这就是事实。同情同情我们吧!It is what it is.(该是什么就是什么。)美剧中经常出现,那么它的英式表达呢?There is no British way of saying this… it means nothing! 好吧,英国人觉得这个说法毫无意义!​​


8. Dare I even mention the fanny pack?​​

敢不敢提fanny pack(腰包)啊?​​


9. "Touch base" - it makes me cringe no end.​​

“Touch base(联系)”——这让我不停地哆嗦。​​


10. Is "physicality" a real word?​​



11. Transportation. What's wrong with transport?​​



12. The word I hate to hear is "leverage". Pronounced lev-er-ig rather than lee-ver-ig. It seems to pop up in all aspects of work. And its meaning seems to have changed to "value added".​​



13. Does nobody celebrate a birthday anymore, must we all "turn" 12 or 21 or 40? Even the Duke of Edinburgh was universally described as "turning" 90 last month. When did this begin? I quite like the phrase in itself, but it seems to have obliterated all other ways of speaking about birthdays.​​

难道没人庆祝生日(celebrate a birthday)了吗?我们一定都要“turn”12岁或者21岁或者40岁吗?连爱丁堡公爵过生日也统统说成上个月他“turning”90岁。这是什么时候开始的?我喜欢这个表达本身,但它似乎取代掉其他所有谈论生日的说法了。​​


14. I caught myself saying "shopping cart" instead of shopping trolley today and was thoroughly disgusted with myself. I've never lived nor been to the US either.​​

我发现现在自己会说:"shopping cart(购物手推车)”而不是shopping trolley ,我非常讨厌这一点。我从没去过美国,也没在美国生活过。​​


15. What kind of word is "gotten"? It makes me shudder.​​



16. "I'm good" for "I'm well". That'll do for a start.​​

用“I'm good(我很好)”替代“I'm well”。刚开始感觉都可以。​​


17. "Bangs" for a fringe of the hair.​​



18. Take-out rather than takeaway!​​



19. I enjoy Americanisms. I suspect even some Americans use them in a tongue-in-cheek manner? "That statement was the height of ridiculosity".​​



20. "A half hour" instead of "half an hour".​​

说“a half hour(半小时)”而不是“half an hour”。​​


21. A "heads up". For example, as in a business meeting. Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. I have never been sure of the meaning.​​

A “heads up(提醒)”。比如,在商业会议上说,Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. 我至今还不知道是什么意思。​​


22. Train station. My teeth are on edge every time I hear it. Who started it? Have they been punished?​​

Train station(火车站)。每次听到它,我就很恼火。谁开始用这个词的?他们没有被罚吗?​​


23. To put a list into alphabetical order is to "alphabetize it" - horrid!​​

把一张表按照字母顺序排列就是去“alphabetize it”——非常不爽!​​


24. People that say "my bad" after a mistake. I don't know how anything could be as annoying or lazy as that.​​

那些在犯错后说“my bad(我的错)”的人,我真不知道事情怎么可以变得如此让人恼火、将惰性体现得淋漓尽致的。​​


25. "Normalcy" instead of "normality" really irritates me.​​



26. As an expat living in New Orleans, it is a very long list but "burglarize"is currently the word that I most dislike.​​



27. "Oftentimes"just makes me shiverwith annoyance. Fortunately I've not noticed it over here yet.​​



28. Eaterie. To use a prevalentphrase, oh my gaad!​​



29. I'm a Brit living in New York. The one that always gets me is the American need to use the word bi-weeklywhen fortnightlywould sufficejust fine.​​



30. I hate "alternate"for "alternative". I don't like this as they are two distinct words, both have distinct meanings and it's useful to have both. Using alternate for alternative deprives us of a word.​​



31. "Hike"a price. Does that mean people who do that are hikers? No, hikers are ramblers!​​



32. Going forward? If I do I shall collide with my keyboard.​​

.Going forward(前进)?如果我要打这个词,我势必要和我的键盘搏斗一番。​​


33. I hate the word "deliverable". Used by management consultants for something that they will "deliver" instead of a report.​​



34. The most annoying Americanism is "a million and a half"when it is clearly one and a half million! A million and a half is 1,000,000.5 where one and a half million is 1,500,000.34.​​

最让人恼火的美式英语是“a million and a half”,正确的明明应该是one and a half million. A million and a half 是1000000.5,one and a half million是1500000。​​


35. "Reach out to"when the correct word is "ask". For example: "I will reach out to Kevin and let you know if that timing is convenient". Reach out? Is Kevin stuck in quicksand? Is he teeteringon the edge of a cliff? Can't we just ask him?​​

用“reach out to”而不是正确的“ask”。比如,“I will reach out to Kevin and let you know if that timing is convenient.(我会问一下凯文,看看时间是否方便。)”难道凯文在流沙区吗?或者他在悬崖边摇摇欲坠?难道我们就不能“问”一下他?​​


36. Surely the most irritating is: "You do the Math."Math? It's MATHS.​​

最激怒人的当然就是:You do the Math.(你自己来算一下。)”Math?应该是MATHS!​​


37. I hate the fact I now have to order a "regularAmericano". What ever happened to a medium sized coffee?​​

我讨厌我现在必须点“regularAmericano(常规美式咖啡)。”为什么就不能说a medium sized coffee呢?​​


38. My worst horror is expiration, as in "expiration date". Whatever happened to expiry?​​

我最讨厌的词是expiration(截止),比如“expiration date(截止日期)”。为什么不用expiry?​​


39. My favourite one was where Americans claimed their family were "Scotch-Irish". This of course is totally inaccurate, as even if it were possible, it would be "Scots" not "Scotch".​​



40. I am increasingly hearing the phrase "that'll learn you"- when the English (and more correct) version was always "that'll teach you". What a ridiculous phrase!​​

我听到越来越多人说“that'll learn you(这是给你的教训。)”——明明英语(更加正确的)的版本应该是“that'll teach you.” 多么荒谬的表达!​​


41. I really hate the phrase: "Where's it at?"This is not more efficient or informative than "where is it?" It just sounds grotesqueand is immenselyirritating.​​

我真的很讨厌这个表达:“Where's it at?(在哪儿?)”这并没有比“where is it?”更有效率或蕴含更多信息。它听起来很荒唐,而且非常惹人厌。​​


42. Period instead of full stop.​​

用“period(句号)”代替full stop。​​


43. My pet hate is "winningest", used in the context "Michael Schumacher is the winningest driver of all time". I can feel the ragerising even using it here.​​



44. My brother now uses the term "season"for a TV series.​​



45. Having an "issue"instead of a "problem".​​

Having an "issue(问题)"而不是"problem"。​​


46. I hear more and more people pronouncing the letter Z as "zee". Not happy about it!​​



47. To "medal"instead of to win a medal. Sets my teeth on edge with a vengeance.​​

“medal(赢得奖牌)”而不是win a medal。我差点要破口大骂了。​​


48. "I got it for free"is a pet hate. You got it "free" not "for free". You don't get something cheap and say you got it "for cheap" do you?​​

“I got it for free(我免费得到它)”是我最讨厌的表达。你是“免费(free)”得到它,而不是“为了免费(for free)”。你不会买到一个便宜的东西,然后说你买到它“为了便宜”,对吧?​​


49. "Turn that off already". Oh dear.​​

Turn that off already.(把那个关掉)。天呐!​​


50. "I could care less"instead of "I couldn't care less" has to be the worst. Opposite meaning of what they're trying to say.​​

用“I could care less(我一点也不在乎)”,而不是“I couldn't care less”,是我见过最糟糕的表达。与他们想要说的意思完全相反。​.

pp_dream 2014-3-28 00:36


Hey Dude!
It's not your bad, it is what it is!  lol.

junhuayang2005 2014-3-28 06:04


牛牛他妈 2014-3-28 09:59


heart 2014-3-28 10:09


我是未成年人 2014-3-28 10:21


pp_dream 2014-3-28 10:31

回复 4楼牛牛他妈 的帖子

北美Irish 人口很多,算个大族裔。三月St. Patrick's Day就是他们的节日,满街Irish green, 戴绿帽,穿绿衣, 还有parade。.

不二周助 2014-3-28 11:24

回复 4楼牛牛他妈 的帖子


落叶小唱 2014-3-28 12:12


shxuco 2014-3-28 12:49


悠优 2014-3-28 12:50


清咖一杯 2014-3-28 13:53


vivian2006 2014-3-28 14:15

上次我和一个英国老外讨论唐顿庄园,我一直说“season”, 她坚持说“series”。:lol

[[i] 本帖最后由 vivian2006 于 2014-3-28 14:18 编辑 [/i]].

嘎嘎的妈妈 2014-3-29 12:33


我第一次发现老美说“Long time no see" 的时候也很惊诧,不过想通就了没事儿了,世上本没有路,走的人多了就成了路。”.

chgtq 2014-3-29 21:16

回复 13楼vivian2006 的帖子


吉吉BOB妈妈 2014-4-1 13:27

回复 14楼嘎嘎的妈妈 的帖子

呵呵,多好用呢!在沟通中你中有我,我中有你:funk: :lol.

欣然mama 2014-5-6 13:52


简颜 2014-5-27 10:01

回复 1楼不二周助 的帖子


不二周助 2014-5-27 17:30

回复 18楼简颜 的帖子


yingjie1018 2014-5-30 10:23

回复 14楼嘎嘎的妈妈 的帖子



koalamama 2014-6-1 22:00

孩子到学校的tuckshop买食物,被要求使用Can i……,please?的句式,我们在澳大利亚。

koalamama 2014-6-1 22:19

孩子到学校的tuckshop买食物,被要求使用Can i……,please?的句式,我们在澳大利亚。

不二周助 2014-6-24 23:51

can i please, 很标准的。.

瑶瑶的老爹 2014-12-2 15:46


ssnk0103 2014-12-4 14:58

回复 23楼不二周助 的帖子


骏骏的妈妈 2014-12-9 16:10


timegoesby 2015-8-30 17:15


不二周助 2015-10-28 03:09


franklin 2016-7-23 18:08

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