查看完整版本: If you dont like your job

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:19

If you dont like your job

If you dont like your job,
just be glad that …

You are not an Electrician
in China ….

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:20

… or a plumber

… or a plumber
in Hungary ….

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:21

… or a delivery service employee

in Asia ….

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:22

… or a deodorant tester

in Germany ….

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:23

… or a Zoo keeper

in America ….

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:24

… or a Horse Whisperer

in England ….

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:25

… or a Ditch Digger

in Poland ….

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:26

… or what is really

a shitty job …
… a mobile toilet !.

mayflower 2009-9-11 13:27

Just be thankful for your job !

And now hurry back
to your job !


cicilin 2009-9-11 16:33

totally crazy!.

PUPPET 2009-9-11 20:13

Amazing job..

不会飞 2009-9-11 20:19


梅花苦寒 2009-9-11 20:30


mayflower 2009-9-11 21:24

回复 12#不会飞 的帖子

I have no idea;.

景妈 2010-7-9 12:06

[tt59] [tt59] [tt59] [tt59] [tt59].

ziqunlu 2010-7-9 16:54

waoh! so fuuny! I gave you flowers..

viviancao 2010-7-28 13:43

I want to say some of the pictures above are so ugly.[em18].

euphy 2010-8-3 16:37

these are dirty jobs, but not the truly dirty jobs............

mayflower 2010-8-4 10:32

回复 18#euphy 的帖子

seems extraordinary
but still an employment
these guys are deserved to be highly praised!
all the best to them[tt9].

蟹妈妈 2010-8-28 12:44

回复 19#mayflower 的帖子

all the best to them.

viviancao 2011-8-24 10:49

I always hope my job coming into my hobby. But I'm not sure what my real hobby is. Do you have same concerns?.

一缕阳光08 2011-8-24 14:00

wow, holly s.....
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